To PBR or not to PBR? - Some issues encountered.
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By Colonel_Klink - 8 Years Ago
Meet Roger. This rendering is from iClone 6 with default lighting.

This is Roger again but this time rendered in iClone with the default lighting with skin but not clothing set to PBR
Notice how the shirt color changes. Also black turns grey.

Roger again in iClone 7. This time with the same light set-up as iClone 6

Now in iClone 7 with PBR removed from the skin

I'm not too sure what I am doing wrong here but the more I fiddle with the PBR settings the worse things get.

By Kelleytoons - 8 Years Ago
How do you actually have your lighting setup?  It makes a HUGE difference using PBR materials.

Typically I turn IBL WAY down (7-9) and light with only GI -- get GREAT lighting that way with minimal effort.  I throw in a spot every now and then, and for outdoor scenes I'll use a directional light, but to me the key with PBR is to not overdo the IBL (and to sparsely use fill and other lights).
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
I have found that it's either all PBR (including the project setting obviously) or all Traditional, and that mixing doesn't work well.

I haven't really done much with legacy projects, but I have not encountered major color changes.

That said, lighting is very important and with global illumination you need fewer regular lights. It's a bit of a learning process. There is a number of webinars by stuckon3d that are helpful, or you may try to contact him.

I have played with IC7 for a while now and I wouldn't want to go back, but adjustments/tweaking of legacy content is often required.

EDIT: Kelley was quicker...
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
A great advantage to PBR is, when you get your materials right, you should "never" need to adjust them again to look right in changing lighting conditions.  Sunlight, moonlight, incandescent, fluorescent, campfire... the great *value* of PBR is the material reacts realistically to the light (because it's physically based).  In the past, people who cared about the appearance of their scene's visual appearance would have to tweak the diffuse and specular lighting values to match the lighting in the scene.  With rare exception (usually for artistic purposes), you don't need to do that with a PBR workflow.

If these are "converted" materials (shirt/skin/whatever) you may need to adjust the base color and roughness manually.  Don't assume the automatic legacy-to-PBR conversion is perfect.

You probably want to do the material fine-tuning in a moderate, even a "studio" lighting situation first, then check it in one or two scenes to be sure.

So keep at it.  I trust it will be worthwhile once you get the materials correct.
By Colonel_Klink - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for your replies, Guys. Here is a new render with IBL set to 9 and Roger's skin PBR Roughness settings at Brightness -13 and Contrast at 8. I'm not too concerned with the cloth settings as they are stock cloth with diffuse color changes. However the skin tones are not as vibrant and as dark as in the iClone 6 pic in the original post. Still, it looks okay. My concern is that I'm producing characters for the market place and attempting to eliminate issues before the occur for the end-user.
By Colonel_Klink - 8 Years Ago
Here's the look I'd like to achieve (Levels done in Photoshop).
By Colonel_Klink - 8 Years Ago
Closer to what I want to achieve, but what concerns me is how PBR deals with eyebrows and hair... black for some reason turns grey.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
What are you using to adjust the colors?

Not that it matters, simply curious.
The "Adjust Color" widget in iClone (contrast, hue, contrast), or in CC, or in an external editor such as Photoshop?

Good looking character.
By Colonel_Klink - 8 Years Ago

justaviking (9/26/2017)
What are you using to adjust the colors?

Not that it matters, simply curious.
The "Adjust Color" widget in iClone (contrast, hue, contrast), or in CC, or in an external editor such as Photoshop?

Good looking character.

I'm adjusting the colors using the PBR sliders.
I've decide to experiment on my next character in CC2 then convert it back to CC so that iClone 6 people can use it as well.

By Colonel_Klink - 8 Years Ago
Here's the updated characters after re-skinning in CC2. That is from my iClone 7 settings. The problem will be how they look on other people's iClone 7

By justaviking - 8 Years Ago

The character should look the same in other people's iC7 environment, allowing for different environments and lightings of course.

I spent a few minutes playing with the "Adjust Color" sliders on an avatar, trying to make him dark-skinned like your character.  I discovered that the character I was using had a very light-colored skull.  It became very obvious when I made the skin darker, and the top of his head was many shades lighter than the face.  The only way to fix that character would be to do a lot of serious repainting in a Photoshop-like application.  That's why I got curious what tools you were using.

It was really apparent, in hindsight.  Looking at the 2D "Base color" texture, you could see how the top of the head was much brighter than the face.  I believe this is a case where the "material" wasn't painted correctly.  It had "lighting" included in the base color texture.  The correct way is to have the base color flat with no lighting information applied to it.  Then you rely on the scene to properly light your model.

By paulg625 - 8 Years Ago
Remember with PBR it is a different model for lighting and interacting. you need to look at what the metallic and roughness settings  (set by default to 50% gray) and the way it reflect is now tied to these settings as well not just the defuse so these will affect the lighting model. So when you convert the model in Iclone all the reflective settings will be the same. you will need to adjust for each item (such as brows) to get the look your wanting. But like Justaviking said once the Model is set it will look right in all lighting conditions.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
I was reading another thread about materials and PBR-vs-classic rendering, and it reminded my of your post here, struggling with the lightness/darkness of the face.
Check out the change in color of the green coat in Wires' post...
By TonyDPrime - 8 Years Ago
In making characters I found that I kept encountering a darkness/lightness imbalance sometimes between the SKIN_FACE and SKIN_BODY.  It turned out that I had an Ambient Occlusion map and bump on the Face but not on the body.  Once I put respective maps for AO and Bump on the body, then the imbalance was gone, or at worse, greatly reduced.  But before that I kept trying to match the imbalance by darkening the body's brightness a few ticks.

BTW - @Colonel Klink, the first pics you have in this thread, especially the 2nd side shot of Roger, the character looks like Jean Luc Piccard!  :)
Cool characters!