By GSSEV3D - 8 Years Ago
Rough Seas and big waves Scenes and Prop. Big waves for Iclone! Adjust wave height with the scale control in modify.
Adjust the look using the texture colour and brightness etc. Bonus toon scene gives a fresnel look ( render in preview for stronger fresnel effect.) ) 4 scenes 1 Prop (5000 polygons) Link : Rough seas and big waves  

By paulg625 - 8 Years Ago
that looks pretty good
By Zeronimo - 8 Years Ago
I just bought and installed, but it would seem that a file is missing.

The Log file :
dimanche, septembre 24, 2017 12:47:45 iClone 7 Content install finished! You may find your content in the following and [Save Log] to view it later: iProject: (4 items) F:/Users/Public/Documents/Reallusion/Template/iClone 7 Template/iClone Template/Project iProp: (1 items) F:/Users/Public/Documents/Reallusion/Template/iClone 7 Template/iClone Template/props [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > RoughSea.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > ToonCleardayWaves.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > RoughSean&rain.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > CleardayWaves.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] RoughSea [Path and file name] props > RoughSea.iprop [Status] Successfully installed.
By GSSEV3D - 8 Years Ago
Sorry about that, I've sent a PM to you with a link to dropbox that the file has been uploaded. (37mb) Iclone doesn't seem to embed animated textures.
By Zeronimo - 8 Years Ago
no problem, I have recovered the video file and it works well now. I have the impression that this file was not included in the projects Thank you
By MSMusic - 8 Years Ago
Same here. Missing file: D:/3d/1PROJECTS/island fort/texs/Wavesrepeat3.avi
By gilbert123 - 7 Years Ago
I have the same error message. The .avi file is nowhere. Can anybody help? Thanks, Gil
zeronimo (9/23/2017)
I just bought and installed, but it would seem that a file is missing.

The Log file :
dimanche, septembre 24, 2017 12:47:45 iClone 7 Content install finished! You may find your content in the following and [Save Log] to view it later: iProject: (4 items) F:/Users/Public/Documents/Reallusion/Template/iClone 7 Template/iClone Template/Project iProp: (1 items) F:/Users/Public/Documents/Reallusion/Template/iClone 7 Template/iClone Template/props [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > RoughSea.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > ToonCleardayWaves.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > RoughSean&rain.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] Rough Seas and big waves [Path and file name] Project > CleardayWaves.iproject [Status] Successfully installed. [Item Name] RoughSea [Path and file name] props > RoughSea.iprop [Status] Successfully installed.
By gilbert123 - 7 Years Ago
I found the link to the avi in one of your projects, now it works:-)
By khmerlb - 7 Years Ago
I'm having the same issue. where can I get the Wavesrepeat3.avi?
By kungphu - 7 Years Ago
This looks amazing! Would buy in a heartbeat if I knew this missing avi file was solved???
By GSSEV3D - 7 Years Ago
Hi, I'm the Developer of this pack and it is a common problem with this combo pack as Iclone does not allow animated textures to be integrated in a material. So when adding anything with an animated texture to the content store or marketplace I have to put the animated texture somewhere else (dropbox). Once downloaded its easy to drag it into the material channel its made for.I had to put the link in a project within the combo pack and it is easy to copy it from the scene object name. It is frustrating and I hope reallusion implement inclusion of animated textures in materials within iprojects or iprops . The link does work . If any body needs help just pm me and Ill make sure you get the file. there is a video that shows how to add the file here.