Keeping the two-dimensional grid provided by iClone in video rendering
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By Epluribusunum56 - 7 Years Ago
Hello, iClone Wizards,

Hey, is it possible to keep the grid in the video rendering?  My stage is using the two-dimensional grid provided by iClone against a backdrop of three-dimensional space (stars and galaxies.)  When I render to video, I lose my 2D grid.  I searched throughout the iClone tutorials for a way to keep the grid in my video, but could not find any data on the issue.  I then went to the internet and did a search for data on keeping the grid in my video rendering, but there was nothing there either.  How can I keep the grid in my final video rendering?

So asks the little old man from Newport, WA.
By planetstardragon - 7 Years Ago
nah,  at least not that i know of,  but then there are many things i don't know of and don't figure out till i need it! heh! 
it should be easy enough to make though,   just drop this opacity map on any floor model -  it's not exact same size,  but will give you an idea of what I mean and the application of opacity maps could even screen cap the iclone screen and just make the parts you want invisible black,  and whatever you want visible white  -  gray and all it's shades are grades of opacity -  darker being more transparent

also,  dont forget to click on the "Alpha threshold button"  to get clean edges, else it starts out a little off / blurry.
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
In the preview panel, set the render quality to "Preview". It will still be great quality, but will render the grid, bounding boxes if objects are selected, etc.
By Epluribusunum56 - 7 Years Ago
Thank you, Rampa,
That worked.  You guys are amazing with your knowledge.
Have a wonderful day,