PSD editor can not find PSD file
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By pompel_4 - 8 Years Ago
Ok , i have obviously misunderstood something about the use of PSD. Try to edit in psd/photo editor.  Has downloaded and installed version 3.2. Choose G3 elastic, female character. Goes to composer mode and then to psd editor (i use Affinity Photo).
Affinity opens/starts but i get the error message: "failed to transver the file from another application". When i press OK, a new error message apperars " the file was not found" (on the top there is ...../appdat/local/temp/CTA3Temp/elastikFolksfemale etc". (alle error messages are in Affinity).  Has downloadet CTA G3 Pipeline PSD Template Sample (according to the manual). Opened this but are not sure where to put them. 
I know PSD has been discussed in another thread but i can not find this, som if someone can point it out to me i would appreciate it.

By kylelee - 8 Years Ago
This is my testing, I use G3 Elastic Folks_Female_01_F.ctTBactor to Composer and launch to external PSD Editor (Affinity Photo).
But I do not get the message about  "failed to transfer the file from another application". Which situation could happen?

I editing sprite and exporting the PSD file to the local address (Desktop).
After exporting, Using the PSD update function to reload character. It looks worked.

By pompel_4 - 8 Years Ago
Thank you for answering.
My steps are: 
1) Choose any G3 character from the content manager (elastic folks....)
2) Go to composer mode
3) Choose PSD editor.
Affinity open but then i get the error messages.
I have never worked/tried witht psd before so i am sure i am doing something fundamentally (or basic and simpel) wrong. It looked so easy on tutorial so i thought i should try.

By kylelee - 8 Years Ago
Could you help me check folder of C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\CTA3Temp.
In this folder should have PSD temp file for example when you launch the G3 Elastic Folks_Female_01_F character, you will find out the ElasticFolksFemale01F.psd file in this folder.

I think Affinity could not load this local file due to this address have space. But I am not sure.
You also can use PSD Update function of "Import PSD Assets" for updating have modified character.
By pompel_4 - 8 Years Ago
The psd files are in the folder, but affinity still can not find it. Probably a problem with Affinity. This is a function I will not use with the first so I do not spend more time on it.
But thank you very much for your help :)  I will try your suggestion - PSD Update function of "Import PSD Assets" - when i start a new CTA project. (Havent used CTA for a while so i need to "relearn" it/refresh it)
