By colour - 8 Years Ago
Any takers?. A few of us had some fun last year, including Jeff, with CTA.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Hi, Peter.
That's a great picture. Hmm... Halloween... I'll have to put my thinking hat on and see what I can come up with.
(Pssst... it's time to update your signature.)
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
Another Pinhead project !!! Of course, count me in. Whats the deadline, Halloween? The day before?
Now all I have to do is come up with an idea. Aghhhhh!
Hmmm, Pinhead gets lost, Pinhead gets lost, hmmmm, nope nothing yet. Pinhead gets lost, Pinhead gets lost, Pinhead gets lost ... damn, still nothing ... aggggh!
By colour - 8 Years Ago
@Dennis. Thanks. I know, tried to update it many times, however the Forum's changed & been impossible to use logically for many months, here, with IE11. @Jeff. On the day, UK time?. Think we need a common Project Title. So; "Pinhead gets lost at Halloween" ? or just any Pinhead Halloween Clip? Minimum 2 MInutes. Maximum 5 Minutes?
@All. Pinhead's a simple guy, so simple clips that are quick & easy to do, especially for iClone newbies, who are welcome. Pinhead Character Versions can be downloaded from.
The following have previously joined-in; Me, Mark, Job, Jeff, Robert, Gerard, Arie, Laura, Sharon, Dennis & Roger. Any more?
No prizes, just Fun Clips.
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
How about calling it "Pinhead's Halloween Misadventure"?
I think I can come up with a special mug design for the winner(s).
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Community Project scrapped.
Reason why, PMed to Jeff
I'll still be doing my usual Pinhead Halloween Clip, though.
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
Peter - I am somewhat baffled by the cancellation of this Halloween project. Since it is not an "official" Pinhead Committee project, nor are any prizes being offered, why should it have to be cancelled and whose decision was it? These fun projects are just for people to have fun and to participate if they wish to. Unless the committee is planning to announce a "real" project very soon and this would coincide/interfere with it, I cannot see why this has to be cancelled. Is Gerskey's announced Christmas project going to be cancelled too? Very perplexing.
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Ahroo (8/29/2017) Peter - I am somewhat baffled by the cancellation of this Halloween project. Since it is not an "official" Pinhead Committee project, nor are any prizes being offered, why should it have to be cancelled and whose decision was it? These fun projects are just for people to have fun and to participate if they wish to. Unless the committee is planning to announce a "real" project very soon and this would coincide/interfere with it, I cannot see why this has to be cancelled. Is Gerskey's announced Christmas project going to be cancelled too? Very perplexing.
Hi Laura
Nothing sinister. It's just that I thought they'd be more joining-in, if there was just the one & not two, Christmas being the better option. I don't have time these days to contact Pinhead Project fans, other than post in the Forum.
Great to see your post:), I thought you'd gone off the map, since no response to my Jackie Lawson e-cards or from Roger.
Alley & I haven't been in touch, since the last Committee organised Project.& no response to e-cards from her, either..
Since you're here, that would be you & Jeff with 2D & me with 3D, Halloween clips. So, back on track, then, for anyone-else who'd like to join-in.

By animagic - 8 Years Ago
I think Halloween allows a bit more leeway in what you can do and not upset people...:Whistling:
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
I would love to make a commitment to joining, but I have so much going on right now that I can only offer "good intentions" but I'm not real optimistic about the odds.
At the very least, I will heartily cheer for anyone who puts a clip together.
I'll try, and I do have a lame idea (which makes it perfect for Pinhead).
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
justaviking (8/30/2017) I would love to make a commitment to joining, but I have so much going on right now that I can only offer "good intentions" but I'm not real optimistic about the odds.
At the very least, I will heartily cheer for anyone who puts a clip together.
I'll try, and I do have a lame idea (which makes it perfect for Pinhead).
We can collaborate like we did last time. You will be scolded of course, and I get all the glory...:P
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
animagic (8/30/2017)
justaviking (8/30/2017) I would love to make a commitment to joining, but I have so much going on right now that I can only offer "good intentions" but I'm not real optimistic about the odds.
At the very least, I will heartily cheer for anyone who puts a clip together.
I'll try, and I do have a lame idea (which makes it perfect for Pinhead).
We can collaborate like we did last time. You will be scolded of course, and I get all the glory...:P
That sounds about right. :doze: :pinch: :rolleyes:
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
animagic (8/30/2017)
justaviking (8/30/2017) ... I do have a lame idea (which makes it perfect for Pinhead).
We can collaborate like we did last time. You will be scolded of course, and I get all the glory...:P
That sounds about right. :doze: :pinch: :rolleyes:
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
A Pinhead's childhood memory: "Trick or treat"
Best Regards, Arie
By mark - 8 Years Ago
I always think it's a great idea to do a Pinhead Halloween project... if I can just find some time!!!:D:P:D;)
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for the recent Posts Folks.:)
Looks like Pinhead's on a roll, with the support of the PRO Animators, for another Community Halloween Project, then. But we do need Amateurs, to make the PROs look good,:unsure:
@ Arie. LOL . Great Pic.:D
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
I'm glad to hear that Halloween is back on! I am working on something and hope to be done in time.
Peter - sorry about not opening/responding to your e-cards - they must be going to an old email address that I rarely check anymore. :blush:
At this point, it seems like the Pinhead committee, official projects, and the Pinhead website are pretty much history. I don't blame them - it was a lot of work (and some expense) with nothing really in it for any of them (since they no longer participated in the projects themselves). I am very grateful to them for all that they did over the years, and if they do decide to do another project some day (as indicated a LONG time ago), that would be great. In the meantime, we can keep going on our own with these unofficial fun clips. I don't need a contest or prizes to motivate me; I just like doing them and seeing what others come up with. I push myself to learn something new and utilize new techniques in every animation I do, so this is always a growing process for me. Who knows, maybe I'll even cross over to "the dark side" and try 3D some day!
Thanks, Laura
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Ahroo (9/8/2017) I'm glad to hear that Halloween is back on! I am working on something and hope to be done in time.... I just like doing them and seeing what others come up with. I push myself to learn something new and utilize new techniques in every animation I do, so this is always a growing process for me. Who knows, maybe I'll even cross over to "the dark side" and try 3D some day! Thanks, Laura
Well said Laura, that's truly the Pinhead spirit!!! :)
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
Will try to participate this year...will get me back into the swing! And I have the perfect mascot!

By colour - 8 Years Ago
Ahroo (9/8/2017) I'm glad to hear that Halloween is back on! I am working on something and hope to be done in time.
Peter - sorry about not opening/responding to your e-cards - they must be going to an old email address that I rarely check anymore. :blush:
At this point, it seems like the Pinhead committee, official projects, and the Pinhead website are pretty much history. I don't blame them - it was a lot of work (and some expense) with nothing really in it for any of them (since they no longer participated in the projects themselves). I am very grateful to them for all that they did over the years, and if they do decide to do another project some day (as indicated a LONG time ago), that would be great. In the meantime, we can keep going on our own with these unofficial fun clips. I don't need a contest or prizes to motivate me; I just like doing them and seeing what others come up with. I push myself to learn something new and utilize new techniques in every animation I do, so this is always a growing process for me. Who knows, maybe I'll even cross over to "the dark side" and try 3D some day!
Thanks, Laura
Nice to see you're in the frame (pun ;)) for participating, Laura:) As usual, Pinhead has attracted a lot views. We'd better not disappoint the viewers, then.:ermm:
@All. Doing a Pinhead clip, guarantees you appreciative comments from Pinhead Fans. As long as Pinhead's in the clip, it doesn't matter if your clip is good, bad or ugly. :D. Mine are in the latter category. :ermm:
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
colour (9/8/2017) [quote] Doing a Pinhead clip, guarantees you appreciative comments from Pinhead Fans. As long as Pinhead's in the clip, it doesn't matter if your clip is good, bad or ugly. :D. Mine are in the latter category. :ermm:
I enjoy watching your clips!
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (9/8/2017) [quote]colour (9/8/2017) [quote] Doing a Pinhead clip, guarantees you appreciative comments from Pinhead Fans. As long as Pinhead's in the clip, it doesn't matter if your clip is good, bad or ugly. :D. Mine are in the latter category. :ermm:
I enjoy watching your clips!
By colour - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (9/8/2017)
Will try to participate this year...will get me back into the swing! And I have the perfect mascot! 
Looking forward to seeing Moggy Jones, in your Clip, Sharon. :)
By mark - 8 Years Ago
I can only aspire to be as great, as forward thinking and as humble as others around here......maybe someday.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
I AM actually working on something else as well and primarily, it's just not ready to be shown here.
By colour - 8 Years Ago
@Robert & Rog.
Great to see you both posting a Pinhead Thread. :)
Welcome back :)
@ Robert . We're still looking for "The Bog Box" :D
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
40 nights before Halloween.... Pinhead couldn't wait ........:):):)
Heve fun, Best Regards, Arie
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Congrats on being the first to finish you clip, Arie. I had a lot of fun watching it. And I'm glad I don't live in that neighborhood! :crying:
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
That was a great clip Arie. Pinhead staying out of trouble is definitely a mission impossible!
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
Thank you justaviking and jlittle. :):):) Here are the new neighbours for justaviking.

Best Regards, Arie
By mark - 8 Years Ago
What a hoot Arie! Great job! :P:P:w00t:
By colour - 8 Years Ago
LOL :D Loved it, Arie
Great storyline, with nice effects & clever animation. I noticed you used the mount horse animation, for .mounting witch's broomstick.
Pinhead & Gretchen haven't changed much since they were kids.
Thanks for kicking the Project-off, with the first clip:)
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
Thank you mark and Peter.:):):)
I noticed you used the mount horse animation, for .mounting witch's broomstick.
Yes, indeed. Pinhead and his sister had a rocking horse. So it was easy.
 Best Regards, Arie
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
Nice job, Arie! Great way to start us off!!
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
That was fun, Arie!
By Walt_R - 8 Years Ago
Arie, great job with Walter from Walt_R. :D
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
@Ahroo, Job and Walt.
Thank you for the nice comments.:):):)

Best Regards, Arie
By colour - 8 Years Ago
WIP Pic, to bump thread up
How's everyone getting on?
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
I'm probably about half-way done. But I keep thinking of new things I should have done or see mistakes I overlooked originally, so I keep going back and redoing segments I thought were finished. Only 3 and a half weeks left to go....hope I get there!
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
I've got several scene's written. Hopefully I'll get started this weekend.
By colour - 8 Years Ago
jlittle (10/6/2017) I've got several scene's written. Hopefully I'll get started this weekend.
You actually write scenes, Jeff :ermm:. I just put Pinhead in a vehicle. Have him trundle-along to the next scene & work-out what he's going to do next.:D.
Rog, Job, Mark, Robert, Dennis & Sharon have coughed in this Thread . So, hopefully they'll all cough-up a clip & Daniel who's been on Line. Plus Gerard & Werner? And - Any other Pinhead wannabes.
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
I'm still coughing!!!!!!:crazy:
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
It will be a Dennis/Job collaboration. Dennis did his part, the idea and an initial script, now I have to do the rest...
By colour - 8 Years Ago
@Laura. Left undone those that should have been done ;)
@Sharon. I see your cat's now a Distinguished Member :D
@Job. 1 for the price of 2, then. ;)
English Pinhead humo(u)r.............
By Peter Blood - 8 Years Ago
Peter: :) I'm just like you when it comes to scene preparation. :rolleyes: Basically I have an overall idea of where the story is going, but the only parts I ever put to paper are pieces of dialog. I usually write these just before, or while, I'm doing the animation in which they are to be spoken. I think that's because I came to animation late in life and and I feel it already takes me too long to produce a story. Adding in the time to draw a storyboard and think out all of the dialog etc. would just add to it. My excellent voice actors have had to adjust to the lack of a script as I superimpose the dialog over the completed scene, put it up on youtube and send them the address so they can watch it. I don't have to spend time setting the scene for them as they have it right in front of them. [I love my actors so much :kiss:] I sort of 'live' the adventure with my characters as it develops. It's worked for me pretty well so far so, unless I develop an animation team, I'll have to stick with it.
:cool: pete
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
colour (10/8/2017)
@Sharon. I see your cat's now a Distinguished Member :D
Yes, he is "Distinguished" and very photogentic (don't you think?) 
...but not helping me "cough" up a storyline!:ermm:
By colour - 8 Years Ago
@ Pete. Yes. Select a Stage Template/Construct one. Import all Props & Characters. Re-arrange them to fit Storyline, using the Viewport as a Storyboard.
@Sharon. Looks like cat's short on ideas atm :ermm:. What's his name? I see a Clip; "Sharon's Cat", on the horizon.:D
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
colour (10/8/2017)
@ Pete. Yes. Select a Stage Template/Construct one. Import all Props & Characters. Re-arrange them to fit Storyline, using the Viewport as a Storyboard. @Sharon. Looks like cat's short on ideas atm :ermm:. What's his name? I see a Clip; "Sharon's Cat", on the horizon. :D

His name is Tux Cedo Katz and he's computer savy too!

By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (10/9/2017)
His name is Tux Cedo Katz and he's computer savy too! 
Likes to play with the mouse, I'm sure. :P
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
justaviking (10/9/2017)
sjonesdc (10/9/2017)
His name is Tux Cedo Katz and he's computer savy too!  Likes to play with the mouse, I'm sure. :P
Oh no, he's prefers to use the touch screen!
By colour - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (10/9/2017)
justaviking (10/9/2017)
sjonesdc (10/9/2017)
His name is Tux Cedo Katz and he's computer savy too!  Likes to play with the mouse, I'm sure. :P Oh no, he's prefers to use the touch screen!
By colour - 8 Years Ago
2 weeks left for Halloween. Everyone on track?
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
I finally got seriously working on this. Struggled yesterday night and this morning to get Pinhead walking down the stairs, which is still a challenge, even in iClone 7...:crazy:
This is a still from the opening scene:

Apparently, Pinhead has traveled to his estate in the country for some peace and quiet (we know he hates Halloween)...:unsure:
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
animagic (10/17/2017)
This is a still from the opening scene...... Apparently, Pinhead has traveled his estate in the country for some peace and quiet (we know he hates Halloween)...:unsure:
Ah yes, avoid Halloween by escaping to a dark and creepy, remote mansion. Yup, that sounds like a Pinhead plan for sure.
Love the picture, can't wait to see more.
By colour - 8 Years Ago
justaviking (10/17/2017)
animagic (10/17/2017)
This is a still from the opening scene...... Apparently, Pinhead has traveled his estate in the country for some peace and quiet (we know he hates Halloween)...:unsure:Ah yes, avoid Halloween by escaping to a dark and creepy, remote mansion. Yup, that sounds like a Pinhead plan for sure. Love the picture, can't wait to see more.
Pinhead's on his way to his country estate in his traction engine, when he can get the wheels to turn :D. Could take some time.:ermm:
Like the scene, Job. Very atmospheric / Halloweenish :)
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
All art and animation is done; now I'm working on the music and sound FX. I'm hoping to finish by the end of this week, but we'll see. I'm using new (for me) NLE sofware (DaVinci Resolve) and spending a lot of time learning how to use it. The interface is quite different from previous programs I have used (especially Pinnacle Studio and Serif MoviePlus), so there has been a bit of a learning curve, but I'm having fun with it and I'm excited about the potential it offers. Even though I'm using the free version, it is definitely more "professional" than anything I've used before, and therefore more complex.
Since others are posting stills, here's one of mine (yep, still doing 2D!!):
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Ahroo (10/18/2017) All art and animation is done; now I'm working on the music and sound FX. I'm hoping to finish by the end of this week, but we'll see. I'm using new (for me) NLE sofware (DaVinci Resolve) and spending a lot of time learning how to use it. The interface is quite different from previous programs I have used (especially Pinnacle Studio and Serif MoviePlus), so there has been a bit of a learning curve, but I'm having fun with it and I'm excited about the potential it offers. Even though I'm using the free version, it is definitely more "professional" than anything I've used before, and therefore more complex.
Since others are posting stills, here's one of mine (yep, still doing 2D!!): LOL. Love it Laura :D
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
I'm not coughing as much:Wow:...Thanks to Dennis who helped with a story idea!!!! Here is an image of the first scene (still needs some work).

By colour - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (10/22/2017)
I'm not coughing as much :Wow:...Thanks to Dennis who helped with a story idea!!!! Here is an image of the first scene (still needs some work). 
LOL. Love the Witch silhouette & Skeleton reading the paper, Sharon :D
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
@Sharon - It looks great already! Such a wonderful start. I can't wait to see it.
@Ahroo - I always enjoy your distinctive style. It is so unique, in the best possible way. I love the zombie.
@Peter - That steam engine is lovely. I am really looking forward to seeing what Pinhead does with it.
@everyone - I did start working on a project of my own, but I don't think I'll get anywhere near completing it. We had some visitors (from *way* out of town) come to our place for the first time, so that meant major top-to-bottom cleaning, and completing projects that had been put off for a long time. Excuses, excuses, I know. I can only console myself by knowing I was able to provide some inspiration to others, and will have to live vicariously though their hard work. If a miracle occurs, maybe I can get a half-baked project out, but even that isn't looking likely.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
justaviking (10/22/2017) @everyone - I did start working on a project of my own, but I don't think I'll get anywhere near completing it. We had some visitors (from *way* out of town) come to our place for the first time, so that meant major top-to-bottom cleaning, and completing projects that had been put off for a long time. Excuses, excuses, I know. I can only console myself by knowing I was able to provide some inspiration to others, and will have to live vicariously though their hard work. If a miracle occurs, maybe I can get a half-baked project out, but even that isn't looking likely. Don't worry, I think you will be pleased with my little contribution based on your idea/screenplay. To be released today! ;)
By colour - 8 Years Ago
maybe I can get a half-baked project out You would be in good company, Dennis. I've yet to produce a full-baked Pinhead Project in 11 years.:ermm: :D
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
OK, here is my contribution to the fun, based on a story idea by Dennis (or a Peter commented: "One for the price of two!").
Although Dennis characterized his story as "lame", I think the video turned out quite nicely. I really like the new lighting features in iClone 7, which are very helpful to create a spooky atmosphere. Animation is just clips and old-fashioned key-framing; no Mocap yet.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
@Animagic - Love it! You took my little concept and created a whole video from it. Great job.
I really liked Pinhead's expression; you did a good job of making him look scared. Well done. And the whole environment was wonderfully done, too. I know you always love to put artwork on the walls, and the calendar was a great touch.
It was fun to see Pinhead use his weapon-of-choice again.
Note to others... You'll want to be sure you have your volume up. Job is a good voice talent.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
@Dennis, thank you for the kind words. The mansion, including the paintings on the wall, is from the MarketPlace ( I added a staircase (there was none) and furnished the bedroom and the kitchen. And converted stuff to PBR, obviously.
I hope people got the expiration date references? I tried to do show, not tell...
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
animagic (10/23/2017) I hope people got the expiration date references? I tried to do show, not tell... ;)
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
A very good clip, as always. It's a great scary pleasure to watch.
Best Regards, Arie
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
There were several good and interesting things about your video. >>>> Spoiler alert >>>> I immediately recognized the "mostly come out at night" phrase, and the ending went well with that. I also thought the attack was quite effective.
EDIT --- I removed most of this post. I'm leaving this note here, mostly so some of the following posts have a context.
My intent was to describe Pinhead's "traditional and typical" personality, as a character (not just an avatar), to Magneto and others who might not be very familiar with Pinhead. Unfortunately, I overdid it, and caused anguish. My fault. It may be too late, but my apologies to Magneto.
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
Oh Mighty Odin! nay smite thee for thou verily believes mere pixels do not have character. partake in some mead and findeth a wench.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
I was feeling protective last night. Yes, maybe some more mead and time with my wench would sooth my restless spirit.
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
np, i did add a warning in the post.
By Peter Blood - 8 Years Ago
Magneto: :) This is not a criticism of your video. In fact I liked it and thought you did a good job with it. This is merely an explanation of Pinheads place in the Reallusion community.
Pinhead IS a revered character among the Reallusion community and a lot of us 'cut our teeth' with the production of a Pinhead video. Mine was the second video I created and it taught me a lot about how to use paths as well as a number of other things. You can see it here if you are interested.
I liked your video and I don't have a problem with the way you presented Pinhead, we all are free to interpret him any way we like, but Viking does have a point. Pinhead is not just an avatar any more than John Wayne was just an actor. He has personality traits that are a part of his acting "schtick" just as John Wayne had his distinctive walk and distinctive catch phrases. I'm not comparing the two as actors but merely as personalities. Pinhead certainly meets the criteria of having a personality all his own. His basic personality was laid down by the original creators, Alley and the rest of the Pinhead gang, and it's been the job of the animators to have Pinhead react to odd situations in ways that Pinheads' personality would dictate he act.
That being said, I think Pinhead can afford to expand his dramatic portfolio, but he should always remain Pinhead. Cursing is not something he has traditionally been involved with, :blush: It would embarrass him too much. :blush: Think more in the line of a Don Knotts character although not quite as nervous. He's mild-mannered, good hearted and easily confused, but he will rise to the occasion if the situation demands it.
:cool: pete
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Magneto (10/24/2017) gotcha, note to self: this is a private thing, outsiders not welcome.
Not correct. Beginners and new Pinhead fans are welcome.
EDIT--- Then I proceeded to compound the problem I clumsily started earlier. I waaaay over-explained my first post to Magneto, making things worse, and obviously making him feel unwelcome. My fault.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
Pinhead feels a bit lost and without direction in this controversy, as the Committee has abandoned him...:crying:
For those interested, I was able to dig up some information (thanks to the Wayback Machine) on how Pinhead came to be. - -
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
the video is gone, so discussion over.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Magneto (10/24/2017) the video is gone, so discussion over.
Well, THAT was not my intent, though I guess I should have seen it coming. My over-explaining-myself obviously sounded like over-complaining.
I cleared out my earlier posts. Will you please re-post your video?
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for the detective work on the last Link, Job.
I've been without PC for 3 days, so am very behind with my clip.
@All. Putting Magneto's clip in context. with past Pinhead clips
Briefly; l) Gabe, iClone master Animator & Tutor, produced a Pinhead Award-winning clip that was a bit violent towards Pinhead. 2) Another similar clip was shortlisted for an acclaimed International EXPO Award.
TBH, I & others found both clips the time, via Private Messages & e-mails..
@Magneto. I only briefly watched your clip without sound, due to PC probs. Thanks a lot for taking the time to download Pinhead's Character & produce a darned-good Halloween scary clip that's very much appreciated. You put a lot of work into your clip. Pinhead & I are feeling gutted you've deleted it.
Peter. . .
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
Wow! There sure has been a lot going on here lately!
First of all, great clip Animagic! My first thought, as it started, was how amazing these animations can be using iClone - the atmosphere and backgrounds and props are all so great, that they really make these little videos come alive. And the ability to show emotion and facial expressions and body language have really improved - especially when in the hands of someone who can do it well, like you!! Cute story!
And thanks, also, for the links to the former Pinhead pages. I didn't know they were still available anywhere. Too bad we can't also access those clips. Or is there a way??
Now, on to the "controversy." I was able to see Magneto's clip before he took it down. I was not offended at all by the language, but I do understand Dennis' comments about that not being consistent with the personality that we have come to attribute to Pinhead. That said, over the years, there have been other clips that were of a darker nature than the more light-hearted, comical version that I have chosen to stick with. I can think of a few that were quite dark in fact, and the character of Pinhead was nothing like the character we started out with all those years ago. But to be fair, at this point can anyone without this history of years of participation in these projects know who the original Pinhead was? Especially since, to my knowledge, none of those clips are still online anyplace (they had been hosted on the Pinhead committee's old website), and those that are now hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, etc. are not cataloged in any kind of list to make them easy to find. So how can we expect anyone new to the Pinhead universe to understand what has come before? And even if we were able to go back and watch them all again, where is it stated that we are required to maintain the character's same personality? [I may even be the last one still using the same computer voice for Pinhead because I like the almost monotone delivery to contrast with the craziness going on around him.] If we want it to remain PG and light and humorous, then I think it should be stated as such from the very beginning of a new project, otherwise everyone has the right to create Pinhead however they wish (and with the appropriate disclaimers upfront as necessary, as Magneto did), and I as the viewer have the right to watch or not (or like it or not). Just my unsolicited 2 cents' worth.
OK, on to other things. My clip is finally ready. I, too, hope that the little joke at the end is clear (and yes, Animagic, I picked up on the expiration date right away). I hope you all enjoy it!
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Great video, as always. That was a funny twist, and you have such a wonderfully distinctive style.
I wonder if I ate the same thing a couple of days ago. :ermm:
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
Very well done, Laura.:):):) And a nice CTA Pinhead Character. And if you are looking for more mushrooms, here in Amsterdam we have enough "paddo's":laugh::laugh::laugh:
Best Regards, Arie
By Ahroo - 8 Years Ago
Thank you very much, Dennis and Arie. I appreciate your kind comments.
I should have included my software in the credits. This was not done in Crazy Talk Animator - I used Moho (previously known as Anime Studio) to draw and animate everything. And a new program for me, DaVinci Resolve, to do the editing.
I love all sorts of mushrooms, but will NEVER eat anything that didn't come from a grocery store - I'm not that adventurous!!! :w00t:
By colour - 8 Years Ago
animagic (10/23/2017) OK, here is my contribution to the fun, based on a story idea by Dennis (or a Peter commented: "One for the price of two!").
Although Dennis characterized his story as "lame", I think the video turned out quite nicely. I really like the new lighting features in iClone 7, which are very helpful to create a spooky atmosphere. Animation is just clips and old-fashioned key-framing; no Mocap yet.
Great " One for the price of two" Clip, Job. I've had my money's-worth & don't feel hard done-by ;). Really nicely-done Halloween spooky atmosphere & Pinhead facial animation.:)
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Ahroo (10/25/2017) Wow! There sure has been a lot going on here lately!
First of all, great clip Animagic! My first thought, as it started, was how amazing these animations can be using iClone - the atmosphere and backgrounds and props are all so great, that they really make these little videos come alive. And the ability to show emotion and facial expressions and body language have really improved - especially when in the hands of someone who can do it well, like you!! Cute story!
And thanks, also, for the links to the former Pinhead pages. I didn't know they were still available anywhere. Too bad we can't also access those clips. Or is there a way??
Now, on to the "controversy." I was able to see Magneto's clip before he took it down. I was not offended at all by the language, but I do understand Dennis' comments about that not being consistent with the personality that we have come to attribute to Pinhead. That said, over the years, there have been other clips that were of a darker nature than the more light-hearted, comical version that I have chosen to stick with. I can think of a few that were quite dark in fact, and the character of Pinhead was nothing like the character we started out with all those years ago. But to be fair, at this point can anyone without this history of years of participation in these projects know who the original Pinhead was? Especially since, to my knowledge, none of those clips are still online anyplace (they had been hosted on the Pinhead committee's old website), and those that are now hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, etc. are not cataloged in any kind of list to make them easy to find. So how can we expect anyone new to the Pinhead universe to understand what has come before? And even if we were able to go back and watch them all again, where is it stated that we are required to maintain the character's same personality? [I may even be the last one still using the same computer voice for Pinhead because I like the almost monotone delivery to contrast with the craziness going on around him.] If we want it to remain PG and light and humorous, then I think it should be stated as such from the very beginning of a new project, otherwise everyone has the right to create Pinhead however they wish (and with the appropriate disclaimers upfront as necessary, as Magneto did), and I as the viewer have the right to watch or not (or like it or not). Just my unsolicited 2 cents' worth.
OK, on to other things. My clip is finally ready. I, too, hope that the little joke at the end is clear (and yes, Animagic, I picked up on the expiration date right away). I hope you all enjoy it!
LOL. Another Laura classic Pinhead clip:D. Reminded me of "Death by Cupcake":D. Drawing your own Characters & applying facial expressions, syncing those to Pinheads Textaloud text to voice voice file in 2D, is no mean feat. Excellently-done, Laura. You got Pinhead's character down to a T:D
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Wow that was a total hoot Laura! Excellent! Your story and animation skills have really come a very long way!! :D:D:P
Job I thought your film had a great look as well very stylish I must say!!!!:D:P:D
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Sorry to say all I did was a "rehash".... how pathetic can one get!!!:crying: I'll blame Animated Projections for keeping me too busy!!!:D
Well at least the intro is new....:P:P
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Hey Mark, that was a clever way to reuse the old clips. It was fun watching them again. Each clip was excellent. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you have a wonderful Pinhead voice.
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
Video replaced with tighter edits and color correction
By mark - 8 Years Ago
justaviking (10/27/2017) Hey Mark, that was a clever way to reuse the old clips. Maybe not as much "clever" as lazy!!! :P:P:P Thanks anyway Dennis!!!!:D:D:D
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
I saw your post, and was SO glad you came back. I assumed you were re-posting your original video (and I'd have still been happy to have you back, really), but was surprised with a brand new one. Oh my, that ending cracked me up. The glasses and the hair at the end, that was so funny.
Thanks again for posting.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
@Magneto: Poor Pinhead, he just can't win, can he!
@Ahroo: It's good to see at least one 2D contribution. I thought it looked great. Like Arie mentioned, we Dutch love our mushrooms after centuries of cheese!
@Mark: Thank you for the kind works. I've learned a lot over the years from your clips and try to become more cinematic...:P
EDIT: It was also fun to see your old clips again!
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Always fun the see the old..."chest burst-er scene" great job Magneto! :P
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
@mark. Thank you for Pinhead's retrospection.:laugh::laugh::laugh: It's always a great pleasure for me to see your movies.
Best Regards, Arie
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
@Magneto, Never seen a Pinhead Hulk.:cool::cool::cool: A good job!!!:):):)
Best Regards, Arie
By Skuzzlebutt - 8 Years Ago
pinguintje (10/28/2017) @Magneto, Never seen a Pinhead Hulk.:cool::cool::cool: A good job!!!:):):)
Best Regards, Arie
he is more a shazam type:Wow: i changed out the video now, with tighter edits and color correction

By Gerskey - 8 Years Ago
Hi Peter, this Pinhead video is short one lol.
Peace Gerskey
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Very creepy setting for sure and I like those ghostly figures in the windows!!!:)
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for the clip. I wonder what Pinhead would have discovered if he went inside that old house? It sure did look creepy, both inside and out.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
It's a nice one, Gerskey. I'm glad you could join. I like the look of it and the punchline!
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Click on the blue HD Icon & select 720p, for HD. iClone 5
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Hey Peter, that was great!!! I'm so glad you got the traction engine running.
I loved they way you made us patiently (or impatiently) wait while he slowly chugged his way off screen. And the "Kim" joke was clever and funny, too.
Thanks for initiating this community activity. Here's wishing you a most spoooooky (yet happy) Halloween. :)
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Love the pace...very slow = very creepy!!!:P:P:P What a hoot!!!:D:D
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
Great clips everyone! I enjoyed them all. I didn't have the time to do what I wanted but I got this much done at least, enjoy. Jeff
By mark - 8 Years Ago
That was pretty funny!!!:P:P:P
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
Jeff, very nice to see another 2D contribution! It never works out for poor Pinhead...:unsure:
Peter, I'm glad your PC troubles didn't prevent you from finishing. I really liked the steam vehicle. So very appropriate for Pinhead!
By illusionLAB - 8 Years Ago
Count me in for having bigger plans than time allowed for... don't blink or you'll miss it!
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
illusionLAB (11/1/2017) Count me in for having bigger plans than time allowed for... don't blink or you'll miss it! I sure know how that feels.
But, wow!!! You sure made a beautiful set with luscious lighting. And what a great punch line! Loved it. :)
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
@Gerskey, colour, jlittle and illusionLAB Thank you for the wonderful and scary clips. :):laugh::laugh::laugh::)

Best Regards, Arie
By mark - 8 Years Ago
Ooooo love it Arie!!!!:P:P
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
@Jeff (jlittle),
That was wonderful. It's great that 2D Pinhead has not been forgotten, and that was such a funny story. Loved it. Thanks!
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
Wow, quite a lot contributions here :w00t: And every single one has his charme... I was too busy to comment in the last weeks due to working on my feature-length film (77 minutes/iClone 6). The deadline was yesterday (Deadline to take part at the "Berlinale", Berlin international filmfestival). A great journey of 17 months work is over now, it was fun, sometimes frustrating and hard work... I wanted to contribute here, so i started working yesterday and finished about an hour ago :D
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (10/22/2017)
Here is an image of the first scene (still needs some work). 
Is this still coming?
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
A great Pinhead Halloween movie.:):):) I like Pinhead's "directors hair" And the little man with the baseball bat is wonderful.
Best Regards, Arie
By colour - 8 Years Ago
mark (10/27/2017) Sorry to say all I did was a "rehash".... how pathetic can one get!!!:crying: I'll blame Animated Projections for keeping me too busy!!!:D
Well at least the intro is new....:P:P
Thanks for the flash-backs, Mark. Always enjoyable to see them again.:):D
@All. I'm working my way through clips I haven't commented on. So scroll-back, for new clips that have been added
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
toystorylab (11/2/2017) I wanted to contribute here, so i started working yesterday and finished about an hour ago
Pinhead has such interesting friends. It's good he has some buddies with whom he can share his hobby. :P
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
justaviking (11/2/2017)
toystorylab (11/2/2017) I wanted to contribute here, so i started working yesterday and finished about an hour agoPinhead has such interesting friends. It's good he has some buddies with whom he can share his hobby. :P I'm not familiar with the "Pinhead-Universe", it's my first Pinhead-Contribution ever, but i thought he would have a cool hobby and concerning his friends, i was surprised myself :D
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Gerskey (10/31/2017) Hi Peter, this Pinhead video is short one lol.
Peace Gerskey
A really spooky cleverly-done Halloween clip, Gerard.:)
By colour - 8 Years Ago
jlittle (10/31/2017) Great clips everyone! I enjoyed them all. I didn't have the time to do what I wanted but I got this much done at least, enjoy. Jeff
Loved it, Jeff.
LOL Boo hanging out of the car window :D. A darned-good excellently animated clip, with script to go with. Loved the punch-line :D.
By colour - 8 Years Ago
toystorylab (11/2/2017) Wow, quite a lot contributions here :w00t: And every single one has his charme... I was too busy to comment in the last weeks due to working on my feature-length film (77 minutes/iClone 6). The deadline was yesterday (Deadline to take part at the "Berlinale", Berlin international filmfestival). A great journey of 17 months work is over now, it was fun, sometimes frustrating and hard work... I wanted to contribute here, so i started working yesterday and finished about an hour ago :D
A nice surprise unexpected clip, Toy. :) Thanks for fitting Pinhead into your busy schedule. Pinhead has a new talent & hairstyle, to go with :D. Good luck with your Berlin Festival clip. :)
By colour - 8 Years Ago
illusionLAB (11/1/2017) Count me in for having bigger plans than time allowed for... don't blink or you'll miss it!
Another nice surprise unexpected clip, Thanks for joining-in, Illusion.:)
True to the original Title. Pinhead got lost at Halloween:D Nicely-done Character full body animation.:).
By illusionLAB - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for the nice comments guys! I had made storyboards for a 3 min short - but soon realized that I should've started a month ago! Maybe I'll save them for next Hallowe'en ;)
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
Great work everyone, it was fun watching all the clips and seeing all the trouble Pinhead gets into. This was a fun Pinhead community project (as they usually are) and I hope there will be many more. Even though there was no judging or prizes I thought it would be great to offer a little something to those that participated. For anyone who submitted a Halloween Pinhead clip and would like a commemorative mug (see below) please PM me your address details and I will send you one. I will need a response by no later than Tuesday so that I can put in the order for the mugs.
 (Note: Image is on both sides)
Now, on to a Pinhead Christmas project?
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
Great initiative, Jeff. I've PM-ed you.
By colour - 8 Years Ago
jlittle (11/3/2017)
Great work everyone, it was fun watching all the clips and seeing all the trouble Pinhead gets into. This was a fun Pinhead community project (as they usually are) and I hope there will be many more. Even though there was no judging or prizes I thought it would be great to offer a little something to those that participated. For anyone who submitted a Halloween Pinhead clip and would like a commemorative mug (see below) please PM me your address details and I will send you one. I will need a response by no later than Tuesday so that I can put in the order for the mugs.  (Note: Image is on both sides) Now, on to a Pinhead Christmas project? Jeff
Smashing & very generous, Jeff. :)
However, I wouldn't like to see you out of pocket, posting to the UK, where I live & Possibly Ireland, where Gerskey lives.
I'll PM you my UK Address, anyway. If it's going to cost you " A Fist Full Of Dollars", I won't mind if you don't. :)
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
Colour (11/4/2017)
Smashing & very generous, Jeff.  However, I wouldn't like to see you out of pocket, posting to the UK, where I live & Possibly Ireland, where Gerskey lives. I'll PM you my UK Address, anyway. If it's going to cost you " A Fist Full Of Dollars", I won't mind if you don't. 
Pete Pete, It shouldn't be that much and I am happy to bear the cost to ship it anywhere. I wanted to give back to the Pinhead community in some way and this is what I choose. Jeff
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
colour (11/3/2017)Good luck with your Berlin Festival clip. :)
Thanx! It's a commisioned work and the producer wanted to do the entry, and it was good to have a real deadline :. I have no idea if we have a chance to be selected, but if so, would be cool... If not, no drama...
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
Just a reminder that anyone who submitted a Halloween Pinhead clip is welcome to a commemorative Mug for participating. PM me your address and I will ship one out to you, anywhere in the world! I will order the Mugs Wednesday afternoon (Eastern Standard ) so I would need your address by then to count you in. I know Pinhead likes his Mug. Jeff
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
pinguintje (11/2/2017) @toystorylab A great Pinhead Halloween movie.:):):) I like Pinhead's "directors hair" And the little man with the baseball bat is wonderful. Best Regards, Arie
Sorry Arie, "missed" your comment... BEDANKT (ik ben een vlaming, woon in Berlijn...)
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
jlittle (11/7/2017)
PM me your address and I will ship one out to you, anywhere in the world!
Hm, i thought it would be "better/cheaper" not to ask for the mug, i live in Berlin/Germany, but if so, I'll send you a PM :w00t:
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
toystorylab (11/7/2017)
jlittle (11/7/2017)
PM me your address and I will ship one out to you, anywhere in the world!
Hm, i thought it would be "better/cheaper" not to ask for the mug, i live in Berlin/Germany, but if so, I'll send you a PM :w00t: Not a problem, I put you on the list.
By sjonesdc - 8 Years Ago
I'm hanging my head because I was not able to finish my video on time. I could give a lot of reasons (excuses) why but will not. I want to thank everyone for the encouragement and especially Dennis who helped me with the idea for story and for the groups' encouragement.
After reading the above, it sounds like I'm leaving the group BUT I'M NOT! I like this group too much because of the support, encouragement you give to everyone and the tone of the conversations!
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (11/11/2017) I'm hanging my head because I was not able to finish my video on time. I could give a lot of reasons (excuses) why but will not. I want to thank everyone for the encouragement and especially Dennis who helped me with the idea for story and for the groups' encouragement.
After reading the above, it sounds like I'm leaving the group BUT I'M NOT! I like this group too much because of the support, encouragement you give to everyone and the tone of the conversations! Don't feel too bad! You can always finish it later and be ready for next year!
Actually, I was late one year and eventually finished in March of the next year with Brain Trust:
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
sjonesdc (11/11/2017) I'm hanging my head because I was not able to finish my video on time. I could give a lot of reasons (excuses) why but will not. I want to thank everyone for the encouragement and especially Dennis who helped me with the idea for story and for the groups' encouragement.
After reading the above, it sounds like I'm leaving the group BUT I'M NOT! I like this group too much because of the support, encouragement you give to everyone and the tone of the conversations!
I'm sure we are all disappointed, but not upset with you. It would have been great to see a video from you, but things happen. That's life. I certainly can't complain, since all I did was toss out a couple of ideas, and did not even attempt to do the arduous task of creating a video.
You are always welcome to finish it late. It would be a treat to see it any time. Meanwhile, I'm hoping to make an actual entry for the "Pinhead Christmas Song" activity.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
I just received my Pinhead mug today. It's very nice. Thanks again, Jeff! :)
By mark - 8 Years Ago
We must have the same postman mine today too!!!! Super cool!!! :WHAT A MUG!! P:P Thanks as well to Jeff!!!! :D:D
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Wow, our postman sure gets around. I found a treat in my mailbox today, too. :w00t:
Thank you so very much, Jeff. My whole family is very impressed and appreciative. :)
By colour - 8 Years Ago
WOW! A surprise Xmas parcel delivered by UK Mail, all the way from the U S of A.
Jeff's Pinhead Halloween Misadventure 2017 Community Project participants commemorative mug
Many thanks, Jeff. Very much appreciated.
By mark - 8 Years Ago
...ain't it too cool!!!! :P:D:P
By pinguintje - 8 Years Ago
No less a person than Pinhead has delivered the beautiful Halloween mug in Holland 10 minutes ago. And: without a damage. :):):) Thank you very much, Jeff.
Best Regards, Arie
By jlittle - 8 Years Ago
Everybody is most welcome! And thanks for submitting your Halloween clips.
By illusionLAB - 8 Years Ago
Pinhead mug arrived today... thanks again Jeff! cheers, Mark (I dunno... a bespectacled guy on a broomstick brought Muggles to mind ;-)
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
Finally the "Pinhead's Halloween Misadventure 2017 M.U.G." made it to Berlin, Germany :w00t: T.H.A.N.X. a lot to Jeff!!

By Gerskey - 8 Years Ago
Hi community, Jeff,mug arrived today.
 Thank you for the kind gesture.
Peace Gerskey