Combining projects
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By jnellie - 8 Years Ago
Would like to know he most efficient way to combine 2 or more iClone projects. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
By toystorylab - 8 Years Ago
What do you mean with "combining"?
Either you render those projects and combine them in your video-editor
or you will have to combine your assets/props/environments/characters into one project...
Maybe someone else has other suggestions, but for me, these are the only two options i know... :pinch:
By CRANK - 8 Years Ago
Hi what may work,
Load a box -Rename it in scene manager you could convert it to a dummy-Then attach all your props to it-Save the Box whatever you named it as a prop.Then load the other project and load you're box all the props will then appear as previously positioned.Hope this helps.
By jnellie - 8 Years Ago
Wow!!!  That worked great. Thanks
By johnwarndt52 - 5 Years Ago
CRANK (8/1/2017)
Hi what may work,
Load a box -Rename it in scene manager you could convert it to a dummy-Then atttach all you're props to it-Save the Box whatever you named it as a prop.Then load the other project and load you're box all the props will then appear as previously positioned.Hope this helps.

Crank, I wish I could give you 100 likes for your suggestion. It works like a charm and it's spared me untold amounts of grief.