Iclone 6/7

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By iglov4 - 8 Years Ago
Hi everybody,
i am still pretty new to 3d animation and i have IClone 6 loaded on my old laptop. I have just purchased a new desktop computer and i also have purchased Iclone 7 and Charater Creator 2 ( as credit for purchases in the content store). Should l  load both I Clone 6 and 7 on to my new computer or just save the files (content) from I Clone 6 and transfer it over to IClone 7. Would there be a problem having both on my desktop. I am concerned that i may have problems with Iclone 7 and should keep Iclone 6 at least for a while.
Cheers Ian.
By animagic - 8 Years Ago

You can run iClone 6 and 7 side by side. It's indeed wise to keep the previous version around. In addition, you will benefit from the IC6 bonus content that requires IC6 to be present.

Once you've installed iClone 6, you can access your iClone 6 Template content from within iClone 7 by selecting the Package tab under Content, and then Custom.

By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
In addition to what Animagic said...  You can have iClone installed on two different computers (but should only run one copy at a time, so no giving a copy to a friend).  That means you can leave iC6 on your laptop.

If you do uninstall it from your laptop, be online when you do, because then Reallusion will free up that license for you, allowing it to be properly registered on a different computer.

Good luck, and have run.
By iglov4 - 8 Years Ago
Thanks Animagic and Justaviking. I will make sure I do that. I have just upgraded my computer to a desktop with suitable specs and I thought I may as well download iclone 7. I gather I will just need to do regular updates as any bugs are ironed out. Anyway, your responses are appreciated.