[PBR] UN Task Force - Uniforms (2017/06)

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By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
UN Task Force - Uniforms, Modular Battle Dress for Modern Soldiers

Updated: The DRM issue was fixed around June 28 03:00 AM (PST), please re-download the pack to correct the problem. Thank you!


Product: U. N. Task Force - Uniforms

This pack delivers six high-quality soldier characters, with a large amount of modern soldier clothing and equipment that can be combined to create a large amount of practical combinations. Each garment comes in four different kinds of digital camouflage currently used in the US military. These assets will allow you to create a formidable task force that is ready to act in any theater of war including; deserts, jungles, forests, and urban landscapes.

The use of PBR materials and optimized high-definition texture maps, provide you with highly realistic models. The pack also provides you with white bases that allow you to define your own personalized textures by using the Substance-enabled Appearance Editor in Character Creator 2.0.
  • Pack includes:
    • Bases + Presets
      • CC Cloth Bases x 29
      • CC Cloth x 118
      • CC Accessory x 9
    • Character + Bonus
      • Characters (CC Project) x 6
      • Characters (iAvatar) x 6
      • Texture (Cloth x 20 + Metal x 20) x 40
  • File Size: 1.6 G
  • Compatible with:
    • Character Creator 2.0
    • iClone 7

Please click HERE to visit the product page for full information.

NOTE: Weapons and gears displayed in this product page are not included in this pack. You may get these additional assets from U. N. Task Force - Weapons & Gears and U. N. Task Force - Humvee-Armored Vehicle or from the UN Complete bundle.

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Here are some TIPS to best utilize this pack:
  • Rank System
  • Two Ways to Apply Helmets
    • Apply Helmet in ccCloth format
    • Apply Helmet in ccAccessory format
The tips are shared by the author Antareus Digital, free to ask them if there is any questions. Smile

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Ask them exactly where?

It seems like a stupid question, but because these are CC compatible I assume that means I can apply the uniforms to my own characters in CC, right?  (If you don't know, Miranda, perhaps you can point me to how I can ask the author).
By rogyru - 7 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (6/22/2017)
Ask them exactly where?

It seems like a stupid question, but because these are CC compatible I assume that means I can apply the uniforms to my own characters in CC, right?  (If you don't know, Miranda, perhaps you can point me to how I can ask the author).

Yes you can them to characters you make in CC. Roll on pay day Smile

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Thanks, I did assume so but you're saying so because... you haven't bought them yet but you just assume, as I do, that it can be done?  Or do you know the author or someone else who has done this?

I guess I can just wait until someone has actually done it, but I hate to spend this amount of money without being sure (then again, like you, I want to wait until pay day, which for me is next week :>Wink.
By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Hi Mike, if there is any questions about usage, you can leave message just right here.
The author Adolf will soon prepare for the detailed tutorials for users.
It's mostly about using Humvee and Weapons in iClone, you can check it first before the purchase. Smile

For other users' reference: 
I've answered the compatibility question here: https://forum.reallusion.com/FindPost331092.aspx

By rampart - 7 Years Ago


These are screen captures from CC.  I keep getting the DRM junk and it pops up in strange places sometimes on the UN Task characters and sometimes in the project.
I relinstalled the entire 3 bundle package several times and still the same.
I think a mouse got in the cheese...

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Crap -- well, THAT'S a reason not to buy.

I wish the DRM crap wasn't so hard on us honest folks (the only folks it ever seems to hurt).  Have you complained to the developer?
By rampart - 7 Years Ago
No...it takes 2 days.  Maybe Miranda will peak in and have an answer.

I've got too much to do messeing with all my pre-7.0 content to worry with it now anyway.

By rampart - 7 Years Ago

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Okay -- let me state it clearly so that the dev Adolf (sp?) or Miranda (who can pass it on) will know: what's the deal with DRM on this stuff and can it be addressed?

I had issues with the RL Heads until they were updated with a patch, so perhaps that's all that's needed here.  But I'd hate to spend $100 and not be able to use the content (I get paid next week so if it takes a few days to straighten out that's okay).
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
Try the "1-click verification" in the help menu. Make sure your internet is connected when you do.
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
To be clear, I don't have a problem because I don't have the pack.  So I need someone WITH the pack to try Rampa's solution to see if it works.  Because I don't want to spend the money if it doesn't.
By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Please try the method Rampa mentioned to see if it works. 

The DRM mechanism is designed by Reallusion, so we will be the one to handle it.

By rampart - 7 Years Ago
Nope it worked partially  Worked  with couple characters from project file, but not all.  Pretty well, same as before.
I have tried from character project files and adding clothing to base characters.  . 

Could it be the developer has DRM content included from other content and doesn't realize,

Additionally ----

The UN insignia and UN stamped on clothing  and props is a problem.  If you do youtube videos they will have to be monetized, etc.
If all those insignia and UN stamped on helmets and the back of uniforms, etc are decals we can remove it may not be a problem for us.
Otherwise, we have to make changes for characters, uniforms and props, which will take alot more work to edit.

The UN is a political organization and not well favored among many.
Users could spend alot of time developing with the content and then get a nasty letter on release of final application, because of political reasons.
IMO, It is best practice not to identify any organization in videos or games without express permissions to use.
I an surprised RL did not realize this before releasing the pack.

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Hopefully Miranda can then get RL to fix the DRM issue here (and soon, as the discount offer expires in a week or two).

I agree with you about UN -- that should have been an option, not the default.  If political sensibilities meant they didn't want to "promote" war looking stuff, they could have said "Peace Keeping Forces" instead of UN.  If I cannot remove all traces of that insignia easily I won't get this pack.
By rampart - 7 Years Ago
I suggest you hold off.  I don't think the pack is ready for distribution.
It is $100 and that isn't cheap for 6 character presets, 4 clothes with variations, 1 jeep and a few weapons.

Being able to create and use our own morphed characters is good.
You can need alot of different characters when you start applying military to your work.

I always need alot of lower quiality polycount characters in military scenarios. 
The characters aren't that close up, but they still have to look like soliders at distance.

By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
After running the verification, load the character project again. I did not have the watermark clear on the currently loaded character, so I just loaded the project again and it cleared.
By rogyru - 7 Years Ago
rampart (6/23/2017)
I suggest you hold off.  I don't think the pack is ready for distribution.
It is $100 and that isn't cheap for 6 character presets, 4 clothes with variations, 1 jeep and a few weapons.

You need to check your internet connection. As for your comment that its "just  4 clothes with variations, 1 jeep and a few weapons" in the pack thats just a lie and your just trashing a artists hard work . Some one put a lot of time and effort in to this pack and its a steal for $100 . Go on turbo squid are unreal market place and you be paying  five times that amount at least   if your lucky. Maybe you could post some of your work Rampa i cant find any on the forum  ? be interesting to see on what you set your quality bar on.

Bases + Presets

  • CC Cloth Bases x 29
  • CC Cloth x 118
  • CC Accessory x 9

Character + Bonus

  • Characters (CC Project) x 6
  • Characters (iAvatar) x 6
  • Texture (Cloth x 20 + Metal x 20) x 40
iAccessories x 35 ( Sound x 16)
iProps x 43
- Backward-oriented Accessory Caps for snipers

- Action Sunglasses and Goggles
- Headset intercoms
- HD cam recorders, torch and battery bags for Tactical Helmets
- Night Vision goggles for Tactical Helmet
- Military watches
- 4 x Assault Rifles with shooting scripts for manual, and automatic burst modes
- 3 x Semi-automatic Pistols with shooting scripts
- 1 x Sniper Precision Rifle with shooting script
- 2 x Rocket Launchers with shooting scripts

- 2 Combat Knives
- 4 Models of Grenades
- Binoculars
- Crates and Boxes for ammunition, medical supplies, and other
- Military Canteens
- Jerry Cans
- Rugged Laptops
- Walkie-Talkie Radios
- Rugged Tablets
- Satellite Telephones
 - Humvee vehicle adapted for desert operations
- Green Humvee vehicle for jungle or forest operations
- Grey Humvee vehicle for urban operations

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Sorry to have raised so much fuss -- I've decided, more or less, that I will buy this (but next week) although I'm still a bit worried about being able to get rid of that UN decal (I assume it's in the maps and therefore I can just paint it out).

Also, if the problem is that some of the stuff is based on other, DRM content, I'm okay with that as I own ALL the RL released DRM content (at least clothing and motion wise) so if this IS the issue I won't have that problem.  And I also trust in RL to resolve any issues, since Miranda has already said it would be THEIR problem and not the developer (so that's nice to hear).

I also think the content is worth it, but that's for each to judge.
By rampart - 7 Years Ago
rogyrue (6/23/2017)
rampart (6/23/2017)
I suggest you hold off.  I don't think the pack is ready for distribution.
It is $100 and that isn't cheap for 6 character presets, 4 clothes with variations, 1 jeep and a few weapons.

You need to check your internet connection. As for your comment that its "just  4 clothes with variations, 1 jeep and a few weapons" in the pack thats just a lie and your just trashing a artists hard work . Some one put a lot of time and effort in to this pack and its a steal for $100 . Go on turbo squid are unreal market place and you be paying  five times that amount at least   if your lucky. Maybe you could post some of your work Rampa i cant find any on the forum  ? be interesting to see on what you set your quality bar on.

Bases + Presets

  • CC Cloth Bases x 29
  • CC Cloth x 118
  • CC Accessory x 9

Character + Bonus

  • Characters (CC Project) x 6
  • Characters (iAvatar) x 6
  • Texture (Cloth x 20 + Metal x 20) x 40
iAccessories x 35 ( Sound x 16)
iProps x 43
- Backward-oriented Accessory Caps for snipers

- Action Sunglasses and Goggles
- Headset intercoms
- HD cam recorders, torch and battery bags for Tactical Helmets
- Night Vision goggles for Tactical Helmet
- Military watches
- 4 x Assault Rifles with shooting scripts for manual, and automatic burst modes
- 3 x Semi-automatic Pistols with shooting scripts
- 1 x Sniper Precision Rifle with shooting script
- 2 x Rocket Launchers with shooting scripts

- 2 Combat Knives
- 4 Models of Grenades
- Binoculars
- Crates and Boxes for ammunition, medical supplies, and other
- Military Canteens
- Jerry Cans
- Rugged Laptops
- Walkie-Talkie Radios
- Rugged Tablets
- Satellite Telephones
 - Humvee vehicle adapted for desert operations
- Green Humvee vehicle for jungle or forest operations
- Grey Humvee vehicle for urban operations

I have bought hundreds of very comprehensive highly detail content packs from Daz3d, Poser, etc. with as much or more labor expended in their creation..
My purpose was not to knock the artist... I was saying I wouldn't sweat this one until it is fixed to readers of this thread. 

I have a 100 Mbps download from my IP.

Did you buy it? 
I don't want a refund. I want it to work, that is all.
If you have solutions I will be plleased to read them. 

Thank you...very much.

By animagic - 7 Years Ago
I'm not interested in military packs at the moment, but I haven't read an argument not to buy, provided of course that the DRM issue get sorted, which it will. 

Quality PBR texturing is much more demanding and labor-intensive that good old bitmaps, so you can't really compare with older packs.
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
Here is the colorID map on the helmet. So you can just add whatever camo you want, without the logo.

By rampart - 7 Years Ago
Still getting the DRM message across the project (character and full clothing) and when I apply clothing to base UN Task force character.

If I have time I will try to make screenshots as a work with it.  Maybe something will register from that.

By TheOldBuffer - 7 Years Ago
I see the early bird special has been extended till 11th July.... great news
By paulg625 - 7 Years Ago
I am having the same problem with the Watermark, it is only happening on 2 of the six characters. Male Soldier #4 and Female Soldier#2. I used the same process to verify all six characters. Some of the Items show up purple in the list ( if i'm thinking right the purple are the hold out items)  Strange thing is the items are things I already verified on other items, also tried the characters alone and same trouble. this was very strange as the list showed purple on CC eyes and CC teeth.
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Let's hope Grace or Miranda see this and get the RL folks working on a solution (putting in a ticket would help as well, guys).
By rampart - 7 Years Ago
I have a propensity to keep messing with things to a fix. 
I am working against myself.. If I request a refund I will move on and forget about this.
Yes, I may lose the promotion pricie deal, there is always another one that will come along when they get the bugs out.

I just requested a refund.  I'm leaving it with you.   Good Luck

By CtrlZ - 7 Years Ago
I had the same problem double clicking but when I dragged and drooped the second time it went away for good? All is working now!
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
For those affected by watermark issues, please be assured we are investigating this urgently. The issues only seem to be affecting a small number of users which is making it harder to diagnose so please bear with us.

As soon as I have more news to share I will update this thread again.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
Please try the verification in the help menu, everybody. Select verification, restart the application when done, and see if it helps.

My uniforms all came up watermarked after initial install, but cleared with verification. The Humvee did not.

By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
So even YOU are having trouble with the Humvee, Rampa?  That doesn't sound good.

I'm glad, though, that Peter says they are investigating the issue.  Tomorrow is payday and the day I would most likely buy this but I'd prefer it work <g>.
By rampart - 7 Years Ago
I'm not mad or trying to get back at anyone for this.
I don't really think I understand all the causes of watermarks, DRM, etc.
I buy content, because I don't have time for tweaking or producing most of the items I need.
The pack looks excellent, and I am certain to rebuy it when it's all fixed.
I have done this before and it worked out fine....with Crazy Talk pipeline.
Best regards

By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
DRM issues are fixable, as long as the team knows about them. And they do get fixed.

I would urge everyone to be patient for a couple days while the team sorts out the permissions. No-one is out to get anyone, or cause intentional hardship. Smile
By paulg625 - 7 Years Ago
The DRM issue cleared on the characters and uniforms. Can't speak to the Humvee haven't downloaded it yet. 

By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Thank you for all your patience while we investigated this issue.

We believe we have found the cause of the problem. Please can you re-download the UN Task Force packs which should correct the problem. Thank you.
By animagic - 7 Years Ago
Patience is a virtue, especially in animation...Tongue
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (6/28/2017)
Thank you for all your patience while we investigated this issue.

We believe we have found the cause of the problem. Please can you re-download the UN Task Force packs which should correct the problem. Thank you.

Sigh -- I *just* downloaded this last night.  So I guess I need to start all over again.
By Jfrog - 7 Years Ago
I just bought the export version. All I can say is this is a GREAT package.There are many useful props. I highly recommend it.
I also had zero problem with the DRM so the issue is fixed. Thank you Reallusion
Very Well done Antareus!

This package and the Visual Essentials are totally worth it. two great add-ons to Iclone 7.
By similarly - 7 Years Ago
TLDR:  where/how do I change the color of the uniforms?
I was playing with some of the uniform shirts and trousers today, but I'm not so familiar with CC2 (it has a lot more options than CC1).  I didn't see the place to change the color of the uniforms. The "activate appearance editor" is greyed out.
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
generally_happy (8/20/2017)
TLDR:  where/how do I change the color of the uniforms?
I was playing with some of the uniform shirts and trousers today, but I'm not so familiar with CC2 (it has a lot more options than CC1).  I didn't see the place to change the color of the uniforms. The "activate appearance editor" is greyed out.

If the appearance editor is grayed out, you can enable it by selecting a Substance option from the box to the right of the name. See the pictures.

I think the UN uniforms use the "5" color region Substance. You need to set it for each clothing or body item.


By similarly - 7 Years Ago
thank you, Rampa!  That's very helpful, especially the screenshots.