3 - Basic Concept of PBR Appearance Editor

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By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Basic Concept of PBR Appearance Editor

Appearance Editor provides the user with endless possibilities when it comes to texture creation.
If you would like to continue using CC 1.X content with CC 2.0 and get a taste for the new visuals offered via PBR Appearance Editor, you can seek additional information from this post.

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
1 - PBR Shader System

To apply the new PBR Substance on CC 1.x contents in CC 2.0 Appearance Editor,  go to Appearance Editor and choose a selection from the  https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/de00c8e5-4726-4aec-b634-6ef5.png Select Substance Material dropdown menu.

There are different Substance Materials for Skin and Cloth. If you choose Traditional, the program will load the non-PBR Substance being used by CC 1.0. If you choose PBR, the program will load the PBR Substance used by CC 2.0.

To optimize system performance, we offer options for PBR Substance.  We suggest that you start out with PBR_V1_3MAT and upgrade to a larger one if needed, at any time.
  • PBR_V1_3MAT provides the following Color ID: Base, Red, and Green.
  • PBR_V1_5MAT provides the following Color IDs: Base, Red, Green, Blue, and Cyan.
  • PBR_V1_7MAT provides the following Color IDs: Base, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta.
When loading the new chosen PBR Substance, CC 2.0 will automatically transfer all mesh data to the new PBR Substance for dynamic texture editing. 

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
2 - The Concept of Mesh Data

Mesh Data is a set of texture maps sharing the same UV layout for a specific 3D model. They are crucial for creating procedural material effects. Mesh Data maps usually include Albedo (Color), Normal, World Space Normal (WS Normal), Ambient Occlusion (AO), Heightmap, Metallic, Roughness, or Curvature. Appearance Editor Cloth (AE Cloth) uses 4 mesh data maps: Normal, WS Normal, Height, Ambient Occlusion.  These maps can be generated by tools such as ZBrush, XNormal, Substance Designer, 3D Coat, etc.

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
3 - Bake Dynamic Substance Materials to PBR Textures

Click the "Unload " button to bake your Substance-governed dynamic textures to PBR-based textures, which you can directly edit or export as image files.

  • A: Before activating Appearance Editor.
  • B: During the operation of Appearance Editor.
  • C: After baking the textures from Appearance Editor.

Individual Substance Version

The substance version and its parameter settings are saved with the character, individual cloth, or accessory.
When Appearance Editor is loaded, the saved substance settings are retrieved.

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Select Cloth PBR Substance Based on Your Needs

Appearance Editor offers three types of Cloth materials.  
  • PBR_V1_3MAT provides 3 materials for mixing with Color IDs: Base, Red, and Green.
  • PBR_V1_5MAT provides 5 materials for mixing with Color IDs: Base, Red, Green, Blue, and Cyan.
  • PBR_V1_7MAT provides 8 materials for mixing with Color IDs: Base, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta.
The more materials chosen, the more computer resource is used to process AE Cloth. 


Select the PBR Substance Before Activating the Appearance Editor

If this is your first time activating PBR Appearance Editor on a "Traditional Content", the program is unable to automatically select the suitable PBR Substance.
You can either to choose the PBR Substance suitable to your content, or choose PBR_V1_3MAT as a starting point.

After Activating the Appearance Editor

When the program detects a mismatch between the number of Color IDs used and the one chosen, a popup will appear for choosing between Switch to Optimization or Keep Current Selection.
  • Switch to Optimization: let the program pick the most suitable material.
  • Keep Current Selection: keep what you have selected from the material list dropdown.

If the number of Color IDs used and selected do not match, the following scenarios may occur:
  • By switching from a higher number of Color IDs to a lower number, the area of excluded materials will be merged to the Base materials.
  • By switching from a lower number of Color IDs to a higher number, real-time performance may suffer.

By alexandra camelia - 7 Years Ago
can you tell me please how can I apply wrinkles and make the PBR characters older inside Character Creator 2.0? I do not have the slide in Character Creator 2.0 for older body and head .. And also ,when i am trying to delete the bear and moustache from the man character and i go on editing ,all the texture are compromised and the character has a very silky skin.  
thank you 
By wires - 7 Years Ago
If you already had access to the sliders in CC 1.5 did you let CC 2.0 copy them over when it was being installed?

I selected "None" under Beard and moustache and got the expected results - smooth, well shaved skin using a sharp blade. Smile
By duchess110 - 7 Years Ago
Did you purchase from the Reallusion main content store the Skin/Morph pack as this is the pack that will give you the sliders that make
the character older with more wrinkles.