By AasmundSchei - 8 Years Ago
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
I don't know.
By AasmundSchei - 8 Years Ago
Maybe one solution will to create a hair mesh and add morphs from there :)
By mrmdesign - 8 Years Ago
I am working on a brand new hair creation app which will be compatible with iClone. It is completely morph and spline based for easy creation and editing of unlimited styles. Videos, a website and examples coming soon! :-)
By AasmundSchei - 8 Years Ago
That sounds really interesting. Send me a message if you need a betatester :) Looking forward to see examples and hope the pricetag isnt too high.
By planetstardragon - 8 Years Ago
iclone allows morphs to anything with a bone rig. You'd have to rig the hair to a human skeleton, then the morph import screen becomes enabled in 3DX.
it's a pain to work with though, as resizing in this mode becomes technical.
By theschemer - 8 Years Ago
mrmdesign (1/31/2017) I am working on a brand new hair creation app which will be compatible with iClone. It is completely morph and spline based for easy creation and editing of unlimited styles. Videos, a website and examples coming soon! :-)
WooHoo, I am definitely interested in this. :)
By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
mrmdesign (1/31/2017) I am working on a brand new hair creation app which will be compatible with iClone. It is completely morph and spline based for easy creation and editing of unlimited styles. Videos, a website and examples coming soon! :-) I'm glad you doing this! :) I remember when you first mentioned it. I think it could be very popular beyond iClone as well.
By mrmdesign - 8 Years Ago
Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence guys! Comments like these really encourage me to continue working on this project in the small amount of free time I get. It is quite a complex task but I really think it will be worth it when it is ready for prime time and I know every other artist like me will love it. :-)
By eternityblue - 8 Years Ago
Yeah, I'm really not into doing hair, so it would be great to have a tool that allows a good amount of control without the tedium.
By theschemer - 7 Years Ago
mrmdesign (1/31/2017) I am working on a brand new hair creation app which will be compatible with iClone. It is completely morph and spline based for easy creation and editing of unlimited styles. Videos, a website and examples coming soon! :-)
So how is that hair app coming along???