Who'd have thunk that a practical medieval style priest (long robe) costume could be so ridiculously difficult.
As fantastic as CC is for creating unique looking characters, I still wish there was a seperate and simple to use tool for cloth and clothing.
I find the current system a bit confusing and overwhelming tbh...I just want to get on with making movies, not spend hours on end watching tuts, then trying to piece together a unique looking outfit in CC and photoshop/zbrush/whatever...especially when my design skills in these areas totally suck and I have no particular interest in costume design anyway.
I would love to see a simple but effective preset system in place, with templates, materials and slider settings for things like collars, belts, buttons, straps etc...perhaps similar to CC's character creation system, but specifically for cloth and clothing.
It could still house all the current CC cloth features for the true and talented designers among us, but perhaps have a 'quick cloth' option for the rest of us, in which we are offered the simple preset system.
Templates, presets and material packs could be made available for era and genre specific costumes.