By bran216 - 8 Years Ago
HI all,
Currently learning the ropes on iclone's video tutorials, but am having issues with duplicating and moving cloned objects. in the tutorial it involves constructing a picnic table, and a plank is cloned, rotated, and then cloned again to make the other 4 legs. in the course of doing so, I discovered an odd misalignment with the x axis...with the table globally zeroed in, I expected the -x values to be proportional to the x value, and in fact it is off. I cannot understand why that is happening consistently. I checked all the other parts of the table, and they are all fine and properly placed.
I've included 2 screenshots to show you what I'm talking about. I selected the planks as well. one is placed at 87.6 along the x axis. the other, at -87.6, should technically be at exactly the same spot inversely. it is not. and if you are going to ask, the values of the crossbars are both 86 and -86 on the x axis.
By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
your seeing this difference because the pivot on the original is on one side of it rather than centered. So when you drag off a copy, it's pivot is still on that same edge.
You can adjust the pivot using the quickset or manual settings for it. Scroll down a bit in the modify panel to find the pivot section.