Can I modify files like .ctupper files?
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By animatorjb - 9 Years Ago
I am not sure where to look, so i apologize if this has been answered. Can I modify files like .ctupper files (G2RS) in either illustrator or drawplus? I have Crazy talk animator 2 pipeline.  I want to take some existing clothing and modify them with patterns or other embellishments, but don't know how to go about it.
By lesdodds - 9 Years Ago
animatorjb (11/27/2016)
Can I modify files like .ctupper files (G2RS) in either illustrator or drawplus? I have Crazy talk animator 2 pipeline.  I want to take some existing clothing and modify them with patterns or other embellishments, but don't know how to go about it.

No you can not modify files like .ctupper files (G2RS) in either illustrator or drawplus but you can recolor & resize in CTA2. Also look in your member page and read these.
By AverageJoe - 9 Years Ago
Good luck with trying to set your re-color to a specific color... The coloring system within CTA is one of the worst things about it.  Lots of people have been complaining about it since version 1, and yet RL still hasn't done anything about it.