Crazytalk Animator 3 Characters
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By K.M. - 9 Years Ago
Does CTA3 come with built-in characters? Or do we have to create all our characters on our own?

In CTA2 it came with basic characters like Walter, Saul, Emma etc. What I want to know is *IF* I buy the pipeline bundle for CTA3, will it come with props like pants, shirts, dress skirts, facial props etc.? I need characters and scenes besides the animation itself, which I believe is much better in CTA3 than in CTA2. I prefer not to create my own characters but just mix and match from available props as it's done in CTA2. Thanks for answering my question.

By fmccann - 9 Years Ago
Peter (RL) Said:
"The templates in user accounts are for G2 characters and are unchanged from CTA2. They are there for those who wish to create multi-angle G2 characters in CTA3. There are no Flash or DrawPlus templates available for G3 characters although we will have  a PSD (Photoshop) format template available soon."
By fmccann - 9 Years Ago
If you look at this page
I Think they are all included in CTA3.

Hope this helps you.
By Moonci - 9 Years Ago
I purchased CrazyTalk Animator 3 Pipeline and I'm trying to find the templates I would use to make G2 characters.  Where could I find them and what's the advantage, if any.  of having the pipeline version?
