Miichael (11/22/2016)
I'm on a Mac, and when exporting set my export to 25fps as a ProRes QT. Because the audio wasn't exporting (I can't see any audio options in the export dialogue) I can't tell if this will keep my sync - I'm used to setting frame rates when setting a project up. If the project has been working at 30fps but exports at 25fps then it could well come out 20% slower, which would extend my shots past what I want and alter the pitch of the voice.
Can you let me know what happens with this?
If you render out in AVI and the post-edit to convert to QT, you shouldn't have any problems. This is a Link to a Full Frame Uncompressed (AVI) rendered at 25 FPS, and then Post edited using Corel Video Studio8 to Quicktime (QT) format using a custom Profile for output from the Original AVi.
If that meets your expectations, then you you should be in business. I'll leave the video there for a few days to allow you time to download or see it. I will eventually take it down to conserve storage space.