Teaching Children to Count Using iClone
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By Britlish
9 Years Ago
I just thought I would take a moment to share a video I just created using ToKoMotion's Laura character from the Kids Morph collection. I bought the Animals Morph Collection, too, and hope to have some kids videos out soon using them.
If you see this, ToKoMotion, where can I get the little pony tails you use in your design ideas image?
By Peter (RL)
9 Years Ago
Very nicely done Britlish. Great to see iClone being used for educational videos in such a fun way. I bet the kids will love it.
By sjonesdc
9 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (10/25/2016)
Very nicely done Britlish. Great to see iClone being used for educational videos in such a fun way. I bet the kids will love it.
I second this.
By ToKoMotion
9 Years Ago
Very nice! Great to see Laura starring this educational video. I like it a lot
I used the so called "Rat Tail" from the G5 Next Gen for Male to create the pony tails in the Promo image. Just move the scalp part into the head and it should work. You can find it here:
The hairband is also from the G5 Next Gen for Female pack.
Hope that helps. Looking forward to see more of your videos
By taceterry
9 Years Ago
How can i deal with your product.
By Britlish
9 Years Ago
Thank you, ToKoMotion, I'll check the links out.