Maya Workflow
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By Miranda (RL) - 9 Years Ago
Character Creator works with most 3rd party application. Please post your methods and findings here for the community as a whole. Thank you all for your contribution! :)


By Miranda (RL) - 9 Years Ago
This is the workflow of CC and Maya (for reference only)

1. Export your base shape to FBX from CC.

2. Import into Maya and create the cloth, you can use the "Copy Skin Weights" function to quickly skin the clothing to the skeleton.

3. Export FBX, FBX 2012 is recommend.

4. Import into CC

5. Set cloth layer and type

6. Enable the "Appearance Editor" to modify texture

7. Save it.
By vidi - 9 Years Ago
I have us the FemalewithCalibration FBX in Maya to transfer Hair to CC , but now I get this messaage

Any Idea what is wrong ? What do the message mean How can I fix this ?

By Miranda (RL) - 9 Years Ago
Hi vidi, can you provide us the file to check?
By sbaerman - 9 Years Ago
Hi all, one question. Does the workflow into Maya has to start with a female character or should it be neutral? Thanks Steffen