Digital Film Pakages File Format for Film Rendering - iclone 6 Pro
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By Space 3D - 8 Years Ago
Dear Reallusion and icloner ....
Digital Cinema Packages for the film industry.
I hope iClone 6 Pro has dcp rendering export import format that is suport MXF and XML.
This format is very important for the film in theaters as well as for the festival activities.
This format is future for global film on the world.

iClone 6 Pro is software for Film Maker , this format is importance for film industry.
By planetstardragon - 8 Years Ago
if you are going pro,  then you want to render image sequences and compile in your preferred video editor.    the extra format, or codec is not needed and should be left to the video editor.
By wires - 8 Years Ago

Just to confirm what PSD said. No right thinking professional would ever dream of using an iClone render for a final cut. The very fact that the complete audio needs to be re-worked and mixed using either a DAW, NLE, or combination of both makes doing the final render from an NLE a must. The best quality output from iClone is an image sequence, with uncompressed AVI coming in a close second. Since grading, titles and VFX also need to be done in AE, Boris RED, DaVinci Resolve, or whatever your choice is, also makes a final render out of iClone redundant.

Max, Maya, Fusion, Smoke etc are all used in film production, but an NLE is still required to mix everything together and get it ready for the big screen.

By Space 3D - 8 Years Ago
Well .... for the process of making the film production pipeline depends on the needs and the system used.
From storyboard ...... until Final Render .... and Final is DCP Format ( Cinema Projector ).

I see on  ... AE , Fusion and Davinsi does not have the export Format DCP . ( Can not read the format MXF or XML)

iClone 6 pro will the better if it has a rendering export MXF or XML.
Now for Digital Cinema Packages using 2K and 4K Format (Format DCP base MXF and XML).
Now iClone 6 pro has had export 2K and 4K .
By planetstardragon - 8 Years Ago
MXF is a container format that uses jpeg 2000,  which is not losseles and prone to artifacts ....png is lossless, no artifacts.

By animagic - 8 Years Ago
There is absolutely no advantage in adding support for another codec. All professional render environments work with lossless image sequences. What you do after that for distribution purposes is up to you.