isoft physics falling down
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By Pochontas - 9 Years Ago
What I'm trying to do, for instance, I take "death cloth" prop and I want it to collide with bed, or even person lying on it, but the moment I press play it just goes down forever. Now what do I need to do so that it falls on bed or person? is there maybe a tutorial on this?
By wires - 9 Years Ago
If you are using iClone 5 then look through the tutorials for soft cloth in this playlist. If you are using iClone 6 then take a look through this playlist.
By Pochontas - 9 Years Ago
OK thanks I finally got it! I guess the only drawback is that you can't set avatar to be collide with soft cloth but you have to put the puppet. btw I am on icl5 that's why I posted it on 5 subforum.