Flowing Hair elements on iClone 6

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By Bacardifebreeze - 9 Years Ago
I've purchased the Flowing Hair Elements Vol. 1, and I'm having trouble getting this to work properly in iClone 6. I'm following the tutorial here:
http://www.reallusion.com/contentstore/iclone/pack/flowinghair_1/Hair_help2.aspx but this is for an older version of iClone. It would be a simple task in just working with the differences in UI, but I can't get this product to work in the way in which it was advertised. I've tried resorting to drag and dropping the hair styles from the folder in which they reside, but the XYZ coordinates for the size don't match the character model and it's simply not functional. I'm not even able to make use of the Layout Base feature - it's just invisible when I drag it in from the folder.
If anybody has anyway of getting round this, or if this has been discussed elsewhere, please forward me a link to said discussion!