By Matt GH - 9 Years Ago
Hi everyone! I'm trying to build up a massive openspace set, and I can't find a proper vector displacement texture for grass. If I use a standard height map (grayscale) my grass appears vertical like thousands of needles, I'd need a displacement map that also simulates grass casual bends and irregularities but I can't find one.
Something like THIS (that's no longer available on the original page):
Any tips? :)
By wendyluvscatz - 9 Years Ago
I tried rendering various maps with Octane I cannot seem to be able to embed the images in the forum, are not seamless
By Cricky - 9 Years Ago
1st Step is to find the right seamless Diffuse... Well now you have the link to start. It creates a Perfect Diffuse to create seamless grass. Shadermap can create any other images you want such as Displacement, AO, Specular, Normals, etc..., in one click once the source image shown above is inserted.
Then you insert the resulting images you want into the desired channel for iClone and it's done.
Make Visual adjustments inside iClone to complement the results you expect based on lighting, reflection, refraction, etc, and that's how I create seamless materials, Vectored or otherwise.
By Skuzzlebutt - 9 Years Ago
can this program actually make vector displacement map from a photo? i see a greyscale output, but no vector. seems it would need to be able to generate meshes both low and high poly to do it.
just curious, already know how in mudbox
By Matt GH - 9 Years Ago
Guys, thanks a lot for the replies! First of all I've tried wendy's texture and they do the job for small areas (not tileable, but still lovely). Now I'll try with the ShaderMap trial (thanks for the great tip!) :D
My best to you all :)
By Matt GH - 9 Years Ago
Does ShaderMap create vector displacement from models? It looks like it can bake only normal/bump displacement, not vector too. Am I missing something? :)
By Skuzzlebutt - 9 Years Ago
m.gherardi (1/21/2016) Does ShaderMap create vector displacement from models? It looks like it can bake only normal/bump displacement, not vector too. Am I missing something? :)
i mentioned this above, grayscale displacement wont do whats needed here. mudbox/z-brush is your best bet.
By Matt GH - 9 Years Ago
Maybe I'm looking for something too complicated to achieve, I should buy Substance Power 200 and use that instead of trying to create my materials 1 by 1.. :P
By CaseClosed - 9 Years Ago
I might be missing something, but why don't you use the GRASS in iClone?
By Skuzzlebutt - 9 Years Ago
i agree, grass wouldn't be a good use for vector displacement, but it's a good starting point.
it's actually a very cool feature, but not many have the tools or knowledge to utilize it. it's not hard to do, anyone with limited knowledge of sculpting programs can just for example, make a model look super high poly
By wendyluvscatz - 9 Years Ago
| I tried making them seamless but the polycount of the terrain needs to be high or tiling and tesselation makes little difference