Looking for info on using CrazyTalk with Camtasia Studio 6

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By sfitalian - 16 Years Ago
Has anyone had any experience with exporting a CrazyTalk character and using it with Camtasia Studio? I only have a trial version of CrazyTalk, so I can't export or save anything and then test it with Camtasia. I'd like to know if this is even possible before I buy the product.

It anyone has attempted this, I'd love to get their input on this and an example if possible.


By Peter (RL) - 16 Years Ago
I'm not really sure what you mean by exporting a Crazytalk character to Camtasia Studio. :unsure: 

Camtasia is screen recording software which captures part or the whole screen and will work well with Crazytalk 6 in this manner. It is great for creating tutorials demonstrations etc. What was you planning on using it for with Crazytalk?

By sfitalian - 16 Years Ago
Thanks for getting back to me. My hope is to to create a series of application help videos for end-users - and create an animated caricature to act as a guide, of sorts, to introduce topics and tips-n-tricks to the user. Do you know of anyone who has done this before? Are there any examples out there?


By JKK - 11 Years Ago
I have the same requirement as sfitalian and would also like to explore having an animated iClone6 character do the teaching. Is this possible? Pls help. Thanks!
By peterg - 11 Years Ago
Yes, this is no problem. You will have to create your animations in CTA then export them as a video file. Then drag them into Camtasia Studio and you can add your callouts as overlay over the CTA2 video etc. At the time of this writing you cannot import image series in Camtasia so if you'd like transparent videos based on image series, which you could export from CTA2, then you would have to use another video software in between to create your transparent video file.