Texture shimmer on animation...how to fix?

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By jarretttowe - 8 Years Ago
Hi. I am doing an animation and I am getting the dreaded texture crawlies. It's worse with substance materials than bitmaps, but bitmaps exhibit it a bit as well. Any help would be appreciated. I am thinking of trying it at 4k as a test.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
I encountered that also, on a "substance" material I created.

I bumped up my anti-aliasing and that helped, but didn't completely cure it.

Can you try "Baking" your substance texture onto your object (so it's not using a "substance" any more) and see if that helps?
I'd be very interested in the results.
By jarretttowe - 8 Years Ago

Where do i find that control to bake it? I am looking, but have not figured out where it is!

By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
LOL... it's one of those things I am aware of, but haven't used yet.

I think on the "Material" tab, I think there's a "Bake" button of some sort.  I'll skim through the manual and see if I find anything quick...


Look a the "Edit --> Bake All Substance Textures" menu.  See what that does.

Per the manual, it says, "This command bakes the substance texture to the eight channels of the prop."

(As I said, I've not used it yet.  Maybe you can teach me.)
By jarretttowe - 8 Years Ago
sweet. now if i can just get this scene to stop crashing (3 cc characters on a 16gb laptop with a 980m!) I will be in business!
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
Here is a little video I made that shows the flickering/shimmering problem I had.
"Baking" the substances seems to help quite a bit.

This was all rendered at 1920x1080 resolution to an MP4 format.
It is best viewed in full-screen, high-def mode.