By mindprints - 10 Years Ago
Everything in here is standard free iclone stuff except for the bird and a few 3d warehouse props. I have reused as much of the basics as possible to keep working time down and since our audience is not familiar with iClone animations I don't have to feel embarrassed about not inventing everything myself. Production time has been around 80 hours and half of that would have to be attributed to the iClone learning curve.
The goal was to create an overall over-the-top video and not worry too much about details that can be potential time wasters, so of course we could have spent twice the time in polishing up. For example the viseme!
The music was made in Ableton Live and took slightly less time than the annimation.
Scenes rendered in AVI were assembled and edited in Vegas Pro.
By dwacon - 10 Years Ago
This is absolutely BRILLIANT work! My hat off to you!
By mindprints - 10 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind words, dwacon!