CC Essential Learning Resource Content Pack Updated! Now with More Resources
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By Eric (RL) - 10 Years Ago
Hi everyone!

Good news! As a bonus to all our customers who have purchased the CC Essential Complete Bundle and have gotten the extra CC Essential Learning Resource, we have now included the original raw texture files that were used to make all of our character templates in Character Creator!  

These includes the original diffuse, specular, normal texture files, as well as the grayscale + RGB masks. With more than 100+ files in total, these assets will be extremely helpful in designing your own characters!

To download, just log-in to your member account from our member page and re-download by clicking on "Install.RLD_2" of the CC Essential Learning Resource from Order History

Once downloaded, unzip “CC Essential Learning” and you will find an extra folder called "4. CC Essential Morphs & Skin - Raw Data Texture" where all the new texture files are located at.

Some Samples:

New Raw Data Texture Files Includes:

Total: 105 x Texture Files 

   69 x Masks (RGB and Grayscale)
   05 x Original Ambient Occlusion (AO) Textures
   10 x Original Diffuse Textures
   17 x Original Normal Textures
   04 x Original Specular


o   Freckles: 1 x AO Texture
o   Hair: 1 x Mask
o   Skin: 1 x Mask ; 1 x AO ; 3 x Diffuse ; 4 x Normal ; 1 x Specular
o   Skin Tan: 3 x Mask

o   Eye: 10 x Mask
o   Eyelashx Mask

o   Hair: 3 x Mask
o   Beard: 6 x Mask
o   Blush: 6 x Mask
o   Eyebrows: 4 x Mask
o   Eyeliner 3 x Mask
o   Eyeshadow: 10 x Mask
o   Freckles: 3 x Mask
o   Lips: 8 x Mask ; 3 x Normal
o   Pore: 1 x Mask ; 3 x Normal
o   Scalp: 3 x Mask
o   Skin: 1 x AO ;  3 x Diffuse ; 2 x Normal ; 1 x Specular
o   Tan: 3 x Mask

o   Nail: 2 x Diffuse ; 2 x Normal
o   Teeth: 2 x AO ; 2 x Diffuse ; 2 x Normal ; 2 x Specular
o   Tongue: 1 x Mask

By Kelleytoons - 10 Years Ago
Just for a heads up, Eric, folks should note there are two downloads in their CC Essential Pack -- the first is the installer for it, but it's the second RLD that you want to download, as that contains the zip file.

(I actuallyt tried running the first file and got an "not enough room on your machine" error, which clearly is a mistake as my machine has PLENTY of room, but most likely relates to the fact it was already installed).
By Eric (RL) - 10 Years Ago
Hi Kelleytoons!

Thanks for the heads up. :) I've edited the initial post so it is clear that users will only have to download RLD_2 (the zip file) to get the extra texture files.
By ToKoMotion - 10 Years Ago
Hi Eric. That´s really generous! Thanks a lot and thumbs up!