avatar not on ground

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By allamosa - 10 Years Ago
I have searched iClone 6 as much as I can and can't find a way to get the avatar on the ground level. Could you please tell me where I can find how to do this? Thanks.
By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
Can you provide a picture? That would help us figure it out. :)
By allamosa - 10 Years Ago
By allamosa - 10 Years Ago
Whenever I try to lower it the woman just bends her legs and will not go below that invisible floor.
By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
Select the flat plane you have added to your scene, right-click, and select "convert to terrain". That should do it. If there is no terrain in the scene, the grid is used as the terrain. Hope that helps. :)
By allamosa - 10 Years Ago
Yes. That did it.

By animagic - 10 Years Ago
BTW, this is the iClone 4 forum...:unsure:
By allamosa - 10 Years Ago
Sorry, I didn't realize there were forums for the different levels. Is there an iClone 6?

By animagic - 10 Years Ago
allamosa (11/11/2015)
Sorry, I didn't realize there were forums for the different levels. Is there an iClone 6?

The categories directly under Home => iClone are always devoted to the latest version. It has been suggested to state what this version is as it can be confusing.