Lens Flare in iClone?

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By 3doutlaw - 9 Years Ago
I am wondering if there is a way to get a Lens Flare in iClone?  A google search turns up a prop maybe, but I was hoping to do something like I did in Carrara in this video for spaceship engines, around the 22 second mark:

By justaviking - 9 Years Ago

Check out "HDR" effect.

I can't remember, but it might be under the "Atmosphere" tab.

Go to the help page, and search for "HDR."

By 3doutlaw - 9 Years Ago
Nice that should work, thanks!
By animagic - 9 Years Ago
Unfortunately, there is a known bug where HDR doesn't work properly for some cards (seems to be the 900 series of NVidia, among others). I've been waiting for a solution since it was first reported.
By Cricky - 9 Years Ago
From your Demo clip it appears a Glow Map might be more appropriate to control the light emitted.  The Glow can be controlled with about 5 keys.. then you can copy and paste those on the Material Line if you want a Flash, or space out the keys to maintain a Glow period.  

Sample Video

The highlighted shortcut (above) gives you a simple glow map that fits the 3D Block default Cylinder_001, but also fits those with the same of approximate UV as that Cylinder.