By Realtimer (RL) - 10 Years Ago
CC female characters are breast spring-ready, which allow you to adjust the breast spring properties under iClone.
To enable:
- Select the character
- Under Modify panel, scroll down to “Spring”
- Select RL_G6_R_RibsTwist (right breast) and click the “On” button.
- Repeat again with RL_G6_L_RibsTwist (left breast)
By larryisom - 10 Years Ago
Thanks for that, works great.
By MrGDH - 9 Years Ago
Does this no longer work in CC 1.51 and iClone 6.51?
I can't get it to work and I've read it is now necessary to purchase 3DXchange in order to accomplish breast spring??:(
By Peter (RL) - 9 Years Ago
skralsbin (9/5/2016) Does this no longer work in CC 1.51 and iClone 6.51?
I can't get it to work and I've read it is now necessary to purchase 3DXchange in order to accomplish breast spring??:(
This still works in iClone 6.51 and CC 1.51. Try sending a CC character over to iClone and then follow the instructions in the first post. It should work fine.
You will only need 3DXchange 6 Pro/Pipeline if you wish to import 3rd party characters and setup spring effects.
By MrGDH - 9 Years Ago
Thanks for your quick reply. I hate to admit I've been trying for the past several hrs? Don't understand what I'm doing wrong. After following the steps, my character still has no spring. My slider settings: Mass= 11 Strength=1 Bounciness=11
I applied them to both sides.
I gave up after reading it wasn't possible without 3Dxchange in iClone 6.5
Any suggestions?
By Peter (RL) - 9 Years Ago
Sorry to hear you are still having problems.
Have you tried using the Natalie CC character that comes with iClone 6? Does the spring effect work with this character?
Also can you let us know where you saw that 3DXchange 6 was required. Thanks.
By Rampa - 9 Years Ago
You can still edit them in 3DX.
Send your CC to 3DX Pro or Pipeline from iClone. Find the spring section in the right-hand panel. Click on "Edit Spring". Select available bones in the left-hand panel. Set the settings in the right-hand panel.
If a setting is not available, click on the "Active Spring" button twice to disable and re-enable it. This sets it to default, and then you can edit however you want. There are a few other bones that can be given spring besides the breasts.
The breast bones are set to "translate" by default. Set them to "rotate", it works much better. They will not compress wierdly when the character accelerates.
The "no longer being able to adjust in 3DX" is partially true. CC characters cannot be re-characterized, so to speak. This means you cannot adjust the skeleton or add new spring bones. There are springs assigned to breasts (base and nipple apparently), buttox, belly, and a few random bits, like eyes.
By Peter (RL) - 9 Years Ago
Hi Rampa... Skralsbin doesn't have 3DXchange 6 so can't do additional editing. He is just trying to send a CC character to iClone and use Spring with it.
By MrGDH - 9 Years Ago
I just tried with her....same settings. Plenty of hair and dress movement, but no breast spring.
Still looking for the video explaining 3dxchange has to be used. I believe it was a youtube video embedded in a thread. Wish I would've bookmarked it!
By MrGDH - 9 Years Ago
Found it:
By Peter (RL) - 9 Years Ago
Thanks for supplying the link. This is an old thread referring to editing spring SPX files in 3DXchange. You should not need to do this with the default Natalie CC character or those you send over from Character Creator. These should work just by turning ON Spring effects for the two left and right rib bones.
It may be that you have outdated content in your iClone library causing Spring not to work. This can happen if you only patch iClone itself and don't install the updated resource pack. I would advise uninstalling iClone 6 and then perform a clean install of the latest full version including the latest resource pack. Then check again to see if Spring effects work for CC Natalie. Note: Spring effects don't work with the non-standard G6 Heidi character without further editing in 3DXchange but Natalie and other CC characters should work fine.
By MrGDH - 9 Years Ago
For the past couple days I've been uninstalling ic6, reinstalling with resource pack and the patch for 6.5. Still not working