TalonAnimations (9/2/2015)
I have a Windows 7 Ultimate System with 32 GB RAM. Had upgraded my Graphics card to the DX 11 compatible Zotac (NVidia) GTX 750 Ti with 2GB DDR5 memory, since the specs required for DirectX 11 was a 700 series Nvidia Graphics Card. To my dismay, IClone 6 does not recognise the card as being proper for DX11 operations.
What could be the problem?
If updating your graphics drivers doesn't help, please try installing the system update below.This may help.http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/4/3/F431C6D1-D581-459E-BB01-A6AEBBB779FC/Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.msu
And for the update notes, please click the link below.