System Requirements & Performance Optimization
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By Realtimer (RL) - 10 Years Ago
IMPORTANT: Currently, the Character Creator tool is only supported in DirectX 11. Also, please make sure that you have a compatible graphics card. For more information on Character Creator requirements go HERE and scroll to the bottom. 

Optimize performance by switching between system memory and graphics card memory:
  • If you are running a video card with less than 2 gigabytes of video memory on an independent graphics card, then it is recommended to have the program use system memory instead. 
  • To use system memory, go to Character Creator > Edit Menu / Preference. Scroll to the bottom and un-check the “Maximize video memory usage” option. 
  • If you have sufficient system memory (>8GB), then you may try to load several substances at once by editing multiple outfits without having to reload each. Do this by un-checking “Load one Substance a time” option.
  • Restart the program for the settings to take effect.
By DruGervinni - 10 Years Ago
Can we expected an option to run Character Creator in Directx9 or 10?
I need to know, before buy Iclone 6, because my gpu suport DX10 only, I know Iclone 6 have this option, but Character Creator have not. And make no sense to have Iclone 6 without Character Creator.
Sorry for my bad english, i´m from Brazil.
By ladaalbrecht - 10 Years Ago
I am trying to run Character creator on GTX 560 Ti,  which is in the list of compatible cards.  Also DX11 installed. When I try to start program, it always says : character creator only supports directx11 compatible graphics card

But I have 500 series, I have DX11 installed.  I installed latest graphic card driver.   Where is the problem please??


UPDATE:   I just borrowed Nvidia GEFORCE 960  -  Tried to start the software and .... still not working   :-/