Face Animation MoCap, Kinect v2 for Windows, USB 3.0 and Brekel

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By SeanMac - 9 Years Ago
Is anybody successfully using a Kinect v2 for Windows with one of Jasper Brekelmans' MoCap programs?

They need specific chips and USB 3.0 controllers to give the 5 Gb/s capture rate his stuff needs.

I may have to update my motherboard  to achieve this and I was hoping for some makes and model numbers.

Thanks in advance.


HomebuildASRock Z68 Extreme4 MoBo,  i7-2600K@3.4Ghz CPU , 16 GB DDR3 RAM, 5.5Tb SATA III HDD, Palit GeForce GTX 750 Tirunning DX 12.0; Win 10 Pro (64-bit) + Samsung S24D300H 1920X1080 monitor +spare 1680X1050 monitor. Kinect for Windows v2. Huion 610 Pro Graphics tablet.

Regards SeanMac