iClone 5.5 and Windows 10?

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By richinri - 10 Years Ago
I have 5.5 and wonder if 5.5 runs fine under windows or are there issues?  
By colour - 10 Years Ago
1)  iC5 isn't Certified to Run on W10. That doesn't mean it won't function correctly. But if it doesn't, there's nothing you can do about it.
2) I have iC5 but not W10. So, can't confirm if there are any issues.
3) I have W7, which IMO,  is supported by MS until 2020.
4) WXP & W7 were/are stable easy to use OS. Vista, W8 & W10 (Initially) were/are not.
5) If you have W7, I see no need for you or anyone-else to Upgrade to W10, if Video Editing per se is your main interest.
6) Video Editing is a niche MS OS Market these days. 
7) Those with many years Video Editing experience will confirm that it's a mistake to Upgrade to a new OS & Editing Program before the Bugs are fixed.

By theschemer - 10 Years Ago

No Windows 10 for me!

The more I read about it, the more I do not want it. :ermm:
By richinri - 10 Years Ago
Thanks.  I notice even iClone 6 isn't Windows 10 ready.  I have researched this topic to death.  Given the user base is, by and large, not running the latest and greatest hardware, I am disappointed iClone has not addressed this issue for the simple reason they could make money off the upgrade and every other video program out there is making this change.  After making sure I knew about the snooping possible in Win 10 and how to stop it (a few clicks) I decided to upgrade 3 machines.  All have gone off without a hitch with my only having to update printer drivers on one of the machines.  
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
the problem is,  I don't think windows 10 is windows 10 ready lol
By richinri - 10 Years Ago
Sorry, but if people can't see that one should remain one to three versions behind an operating system to run software as problematic, I don't know what to say.  EVERYONE knows the nightmare of past Windows upgrades.  This one was done right - and I am as shocked as anybody. Be that as it may, 5.5 has a ton of users out there that can't upgrade to 6 (which also isn't Win 10 ready) due to cost of hardware.  If iclone can't see this the statement "penny wise and dollar foolish" comes to mind.
By dwacon - 10 Years Ago
So far, it works for me.  Haven't tried iC6 yet...
By kenmatthews - 10 Years Ago
I have been having issues with Windows 10, along with minor issues using iClone 6 in Windows 10. My main problem with 10 was horrendous spamming came with this particular download. I got in touch with Windows 10 via Facebook and have been holding a conversation. Interestingly, they say, that while users are moaning about the OS they're not being specific, which they'd like them to be. Here's a link to my conversation with them, if you're interested...
Best regards