Marketplace Improvements Coming Soon
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By Peter (RL) - 10 Years Ago
Dear Marketplace Customer,

We are pleased to announce some important improvements and changes coming to the Marketplace.

1. What We Have Completed So Far:

Reallusion iContent and Export Price Structure:

Previously there was no fixed rate for the export price of Reallusion content. Now we have rectified this and have set a fixed rate. From now on the Export price for each item will be the iContent Price x 2. The export price for each Combo pack will be the iContent Price x 1.5.

Please Note: The new rates only apply to Reallusion content and not the content from CCD developers.

2. Upcoming Improvements:

We have sadly fallen a little behind in bringing all the latest Reallusion content to the Marketplace in both iContent and Export versions. This will soon change as all Reallusion content will be available with an Export version in the Marketplace.

Look out soon for the following packs to arrive:

Toon Maker 2

Cartoon Motion 3

Monster Workshop

G6 Empowerment

CTA2 G2 Power Tools 1~4 and more.

These updates should be completed by the end of August 2015.

3. Update Of The 3D Portal Page

We will soon be updating the Catalog to include all content and make it much easier to find what you are looking for. Once updated we hope you will find browsing the catalog a more pleasant experience.

This update should also be completed by the end of August 2015.

4. Update the Backstage Page

We will update this page with a new and improved modern design making it easier to find new content and special offers.

Our goal when you arrive at the Marketplace is the following:

Make it easy to pick the character, motion or the right scene for your shot. Looking for a rigged character?, ready to talk?, clothing mod or the right accessories?, then we want you to find them quickly and easily. Then there's freebies. Everybody loves a freebie so we aim to make it much easier to find all the great freebies that we have available.

This update should be completed by the end of September 2015.

We hope you like our plans but its not too late to let us know how you feel about the Marketplace. Please share your feedback with us below and let us know how you want us to improve the Marketplace even further.
By Galfridus - 10 Years Ago

Hope RL will give some attention to improving customers “download” experiencefrom the Market Place.
Making it easier for us to find content doesn'taddress issues, too frequently encountered, with it`s installation.

In practice, using thecurrent Market Place “downloader/install” process is proving tooerratic for my comfort

By doubledutch - 10 Years Ago
Is there gonna be a third option in Marketplace for Character Creator?
I mean: a separate shop from Iclone and Crazytalk Animator.

BTW, august is past and the RL-Marketplaceshop is still not updated with G6-content for buy separate items.
By Kelleytoons - 10 Years Ago
Absolutely we need G6 (and more specifically CC ) content.
By rampart - 10 Years Ago
How it is done is RL business.
Departments is cool for sure.
The core purpose for improvements should be to provide the best search and sort possible so we can find content items

IMO, keyword tags the developer assigns to their content need to be carefully applied by the devs.
If RL is assigning keywords that will never be the best way, because the developers all know best what they design content for.
I admin a large number of websites... search and sort are critical.  IMO, you can't have enough choices.

By doubledutch - 10 Years Ago
mike_20091214085613313 (9/10/2015)
Absolutely we need G6 (and more specifically CC ) content.

Agree, but i think we have to wait for longer time.

By JIX - 10 Years Ago
Will all the hairs from the Hottest Hairstyles pack (G6 Empowerment) also be sold on the Marketplace?!
By thebiz.movies - 10 Years Ago
I would like to revisit an issue that continues to bother me.  I view new content on a regular basis in the marketplace (90% of the time Im there to see what has been most recently added).   It takes me four clicks and a minimum of thirty seconds to get this view.  It is too hard to get to the page that allows the selection and the query itself is very slow.  I realize there is a cached subsection for new releases but this is not what I am looking for.  I want to see the actual most recent releases.

The forum has a nice "Latest" button that lets me view content in this manner with one click.  The marketplace needs something similar.
By Alien Maniac - 10 Years Ago
Nice but we need to be able to locate "ANY or ALL" of the developer personal stores. A search for them is needed badly. As it is we have to hunt for an hour to find a content they make and click on their name....that is absolute insanity. What is so hard to make a "FULL" Marketplace store listing on the main pages?

Also so many links are bad too. such as on the main page showing some featured stores, some work and some not, like Warlords. It appears that RL is only promoting the BIG stores and NOT all of the content providers individual stores. WHY? Is that fair to them or users trying to find their store quickly?

The search box is almost useless too and always has been.