Error message.
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By kenmatthews - 10 Years Ago
I've not been able to work on Iclone 6, one because I need to learn the new system, and two, I've been busy screenwriting and scheduling same. Decided to try and master 6, however I received this error message. Now I did have some trouble with my computer and the drive letters may have changed. Question; if this is the case how do I change the path? Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards.
By justaviking - 10 Years Ago
First the basics:  Verify if that folder exists.  Go to "My Computer" and see if you have a "K:" drive, and if you can get to that folder.

I suspect the folder is indeed gone.

This might be one of the folder locations where you need to edit the registry (Animagic has posted details), or if you're not comfortable with that, uninstall and reinstall iClone.  (Be sure you're connected to the internet when doing the uninstall/reinstall.)
By kenmatthews - 10 Years Ago
Thanks Justaviking,
I do have a 'K' drive, however I have found the relevant folder on drive 'L'. Instead of messing about with the registry I'm going to copy the folder to the 'K' drive and see if that works...
Best regards.
By kenmatthews - 10 Years Ago
Hello Justaviking,
I did copy the relevant iClone 6 Custom folder in drive 'L' and went to drive 'K'. The 'Custom' folder was missing in the 'K' drive chain, so I made a new 'Custom' folder and pasted the copied 'iClone 6 Custom' folder into it. Voila, it worked... Thanks for your help...
Best regards.
By justaviking - 10 Years Ago
Excellent solution.
Glad to hear you're functional again.
Good luck, and have fun.  :)