CrazyTalk App Only works with iOS7 (temp)
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By ptrlmbrd - 11 Years Ago
Hi All,

Anyone know when the update is planned to support iOS8?

By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
We are currently working on an update for the CrazyTalk App to make it compatible with iOS8. I don't have a specific date for when this will be ready but hopefully it will not be too long.
By DAndrew - 11 Years Ago
I just sent Support that same question a few minutes ago. Can't get it to work on my iPhone or iPad. I'll be checking back to see if there's any news. :)
By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
DAndrew (10/3/2014)
I just sent Support that same question a few minutes ago. Can't get it to work on my iPhone or iPad. I'll be checking back to see if there's any news. :)

We are working hard to get this update released as soon as possible. Unfortunately due to technical issues it may take a couple more weeks for an update to appear in the App Store.

We do apologise for the inconvenience caused.

By outtoplay - 10 Years Ago
Is this resolved? IOS 8 compatability?