Elephant or Monkey-faced human

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By sharad.inc - 12 Years Ago

I would like to model an iClone STANDARD character (G5) which has the face of either a monkey or an elephant (reference images attached). I would like to have some expert opinion on the "best-way" forward

1) Use the G5 character template in 3DSMax and extend the nose mesh into an elephant trunk
concerns: feasiblity of doing so without having to add extra vertices? can the elephant-trunk be soft-body enabled? can the nose be still animated separately using Crazy Talk?

2) Attach a soft-body prop to the face
concerns: feasibility? animation inside iClone? or import some default animations alongwith the prop

1) as above - I guess this should be feasible. But how do we deal with the tail? As in (2) above?

Any help in this regard would be sincerely appreciated.


By Apparition - 12 Years Ago
Why not try both?

Success comes from experimenting.

A tail with springs or with animation controls is easy to do!

Use exactly the same method described in the Springs tutorial.

For the elephant I would make the ears and nose as Props with skin controllers. Then at iClone make them into accessories. (That is what I would do)


By francois.meres - 12 Years Ago
Monkey face is not difficult look for exemple chuck :

a little head transformation ....
By Sen - 12 Years Ago
Hi ,

Monkey_faces :