3DXchange 5, facial morphs!?

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By animatom - 12 Years Ago
Don't you think this is interesting part of the sentence?

"3DXchange5 will come in three versions - The Standard and PRO versions will be available during the 1st-stage launch. The Pipeline version will be released upon the launch of 3DXchange's 5.1 update which will allow for facial morph characterization (every 5.0 purchase users will get a free patch update to 5.1 in June)."
By planetstardragon - 12 Years Ago
"Free" patch, as in vs "Paid" patch ? interesting indeed!! Blink
By thebiz.movies - 12 Years Ago
Is this saying only the pipeline version will have facial morph ability?
By animatom - 12 Years Ago
planetstardragon (3/13/2012)
"Free" patch, as in vs "Paid" patch ? interesting indeed!! Blink

He, he. Yes. But what do you think about "facial morphs"?
By animatom - 12 Years Ago
thebiz, no, this patch will be out before Pipline version. If this is what it should be, who needs Pipline version? Smile
By planetstardragon - 12 Years Ago
it sounds promising! especially when programs like messiah allow such extreme face detailing! - but my spidey senses tell me this is related to Daz and all the requests for facial expressions on Daz characters, which isn't a bad deal either since the recent Daz4 promotion! w00t
By animatom - 12 Years Ago
Dear Peter the RL, can you tell us little more about facial morphs in 5.1?
By Peter (RL) - 12 Years Ago
thebiz.movies (3/13/2012)
Is this saying only the pipeline version will have facial morph ability?

No the Pro version will also have the Facial Morph feature. Smile

By animagic - 12 Years Ago
Before we get too excited, "facial morph characterization" sounds more like using morphs to change the face than facial animation using morphs. Inquiring minds like to know...Unsure