By Visconti - 13 Years Ago
With this new mocap update in iClone 5.1, now you can use remote body control, mirror capture, head/wrist movement, and floor alignment for better capture experiences. Lightspeed your animations and create authentic motions without having to rent an entire mocap studio or even wear a markered jump suit!
By Sen - 13 Years Ago
Thanks very great and complete tutorial .
By JasonWynngard - 13 Years Ago
Visconti, the new iClone 5.11 MoCap is so much better. I have a basic question. How do i save motion captured via the Kinect plug-in? Saving the project is simple of course but I wish tos ave the motion to apply to other characters.
By kurzal - 13 Years Ago
JasonWynngard (1/20/2012) How do i save motion captured via the Kinect plug-in? Saving the project is simple of course but I wish tos ave the motion to apply to other characters. The answer is here: Collect Clip Track
By JasonWynngard - 13 Years Ago
kurzal (1/20/2012)
JasonWynngard (1/20/2012) How do i save motion captured via the Kinect plug-in? Saving the project is simple of course but I wish tos ave the motion to apply to other characters.The answer is here: Collect Clip Track
kurzal, thank you for both the information and the ultra swift response which allows me to proceed right away. RL folks are absolutely the BEST. Hopefully, I will manage to produce decent enough motions to share as freebies in return for all the help so many folks here have given me.
By sal of salmar productions - 13 Years Ago
Great News Thank-you.
By gregsin - 13 Years Ago
Thanks, Great tutorial!
By MakeMeZing - 13 Years Ago
Just recently purchased iclone 5.1 and I'm struggling to get mocap to pick up head and wrist movements. Can anyone help with this please? Many thanks
By JasonWynngard - 13 Years Ago
Newest iClone is actually 5.11, suggest you go to updates and download this newest version. If problem not solved download and install Microsoft SDK - but really suggest you try theIC5 update first and RL customer help page as they will direct you to the proper SDK file area if needed.
By MakeMeZing - 13 Years Ago
sorry I meant 5.11, I'd reinstalled the drives but I think I'm just not understanding how to get the animation to work properly :unsure: I don't know whether its the lighting in the room or theres a function in the motion editor that I'm not using?? When i calibrate it picks me up and the character copies my movement but there is no movement in the head, wrists or feet. Any help would be great, thanks
By JasonWynngard - 13 Years Ago
First let me be frank so you don't waste your time and get much more valid help than I can provide. I'm not a pro with IC and my struggles are much like your own. However, I'll gladly share what little I know.
1. In this thread if you scroll up to the top, you should see a video tutorial by Visconti. That should help. 2. Despite the improvements, IC5's mocap is still lacking in areas of character stability. Meaning avatars still look floaty and a bit jumpy. It's my belief the current version won't consistently give you fluid results. People who are pros will know certain tricks I find a bit taxing and time consuming given circumstances I use IC and time constraints. 3. Your hardware will dictate how much you can get out of the mocap. Example, of necessity I use a Toshiba Tecra with 8GB RAM and a wimpy 512MB video chip for actual mocap. My results to date are hit and miss. But in the few times I was able to use the main computer with 12GB RAM and a 1.5GB video card I got faster and better results. Space and laziness about moving the main computer to the living room for mocap work prevents my use of the main computer. 4. Once again, I do suggest you log into the customer help center and get direct RL help. They told me and gave me the link to the Beta SDK file that allowed me to use the new wrist rotation feature which IC5.11 was supposed to have but didn't. It also did a better job of reducing the floatiness of avatars which is strange because IC5.11 has the same driver but. . . . So do log in and ask them for assistance. People in this forum will help but at times they aren't available because like us they have lives so sometimes you don't get an answer as quickly as you'd like.
By JasonWynngard - 13 Years Ago
Thanks a heap, sw00000p. I would be happier though if IC5 had all the features I needed to produce a clean and immediately serviceable mocap. Or at least the correcting features such as a curve editor built in.
By JasonWynngard - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (2/10/2012) Curve Editor in iClone???? Then I would definitely buy ic 5! without it or nvidia PhysX... I'll pass!
Kinect Works Perfect with IC4!:D Don't forget... I use MotionBuilder: To Perfectly Smooth Kinect Animations and... 3DS Max to bring 'Her into iClone!
No kinect plugin headache needed!
That's nice but those of us who don't have several thousand bucks to throw at Autodesk will gravitate to iClone. RL is responsive to its customers wants and advice so they will get there eventually. Personally, despite my gripes about IC, I'm sticking with them. I've been down the road of shelling out bucks for "better" animation software only to experience it being an ordeal to use because it doesn't know how to install it self and then when you finally get it all there it can't find the folders-and there is an ever escalating need to buy this so that will work and that so this will work. And the darn stuff still doesn't quite do what is claimed. Not to say IC is trouble free but at least they actually answer my questions and such rather than giving me silence, running around in circles, and jumping through hoops in order to get nowhere except right back where I started. I'd LOVE MotionBuilder, actually had a trial copy once that was NICE but couldn't port to IC. That was a Berkel plug-in. So I'll stay put for the nonce.
By srinivas9000 - 13 Years Ago
I have a very basic question in which i m stuck.
Its a bow and arrow animation.
my character holds arrow in 1 hand and bow in other hand.
when he positions the bow its fine, but when the arrow is adjusted in the bow , the arrow loses track... though i attached the arrow to the hand, when i try to animate , it affects from the first frame itself and flies.
In other words.. whats the method to No animation attached prop to a body part till 100th keyframe, but detatch to animate from 100th frame without affecting anything from frames 1 to 100. I also need to get the arrow flying off the bow in the same sequence.
By rcsinger29 - 13 Years Ago
In Tinkering around with this, I am having substantial trouble with twisting motions. The only head rotation captured is side to side lean. It isnt capturing nods or shakes.The wrist rotation is very sketchy, and turnng motions dont work at all. Specific animation Capture examples: Quarterback Motion - Hike, 3 step drop, bounce, throw (in one take) Slayer Motion - Horror Creature, Drawning over head and slice Golf motion - Standard Swing Is this limited to front facing animation only? I am using the SDK Beta 2 and the Xbox Kinect Sensor.
By rcsinger29 - 13 Years Ago
So..... Is reallusion going to catch up with the curve with iPi on the using 2 kinects or are we going to purchase the full version of iPi for Mocap?