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Which is the best way to individually control the "Expression Strength" for each clip of the...

Posted By gamanimate 14 Years Ago
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Which is the best way to individually control the "Expression...

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Hello !

I would like to know,

Which is the best way to individually control the "Expression Strength" for each clip of the exprexpression track ?

I mean : supose you load 3 ".CLP" files into the expression track. And you want to assign a Expression Strength of : 50% to the first one, a Expression Strenght of 30 to the seccond one, and a Expression Strenght of 47% to the third one. Is this possible ?

( in order to be able to avoid exagerations you dont want, or to get more sublte facial gestures sometimes, or even to exagerate facial gestures sometimes, individually for each expression clip )

Thanks in advance !

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Hi Gabriel

The Expression Stength slider is a global control and doesn't add keys to the Facial Layer track.

So if you want more precise control of your characters expressions you can use Puppeteering to add these yourself and this way you can control exactly how expressive the facial animation is.

Another alternative if you own CrazyTalk 6 Pro is to open the expression/motion.clp there and edit the clip to your requirements. CrazyTalk 6 offers greater control over detailed animations and expressions than iClone.

Overall though I think you will find you can quickly get the expression depth you need by using puppeteering if the stock expression clips don't quite suit the scene. Why not give it a try and see how you get on.


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Hi Peter !

I like puppeteering tools a lot.. !
( even if sometimes I had some difficulties after adding "clip over clip" of puppetering..
maybe a way to weight each "pupeteering pass" could be great. Or being able to organice the many passes of puppet into two or three aditional tracks in the timeline, to control each pupettering clip level too, after performing the puppeterring)

But, the other day I was just adding some expressions ( from the collections ) and I have seen that working using those, give the oportunity of a very practic and also creative workflow too.

Because you cannot "weight" each expression lets say "influence" in the facial expressions, individually, then you loose the possibility of using those expression clips in many creative ways.

I would say that, adding "per clip" control of the influence of an expression clip ( including those generated with puppeteering ), could be good item to add to the wish list for next version :) What do you think ?

Imagine just adding a "smile" clip... but.. you say.. "hmmm lets make the smile more subtle" ( ie lowering the level of that expression clip ) ok.. but at this time, this could only be done with the general "expression strenght".... Let's suppose tht after the smile, you want the character to react strongly... mmm that could be done by just adding another strong expression after the subtle smile... but... remember that at this time, you have the "general expression level" at a low level, because you wanted a subtle smile... So, your "strong expression" will not be strong... ( unless you raise the expression strenght control, but.. if you raise it, you are doing ir for te smile clip also.. becase at this time, is a general parameter... ) Instead, if you had control over the expression strenght of each individual clip, you could add a "strong reaction" after a subtle smile ( by adjusting the expression level for the strong reaction clip ), and have very expressive and emotive facial animation, all with just a few expression clips. In that way you could define the timing, and over that, you could add some pupteering too, you said.

Just an idea...

I know the potential of the puppeteering tool, but , as I said, the other day, I added a few expresion clips one after another, and.. I really "needed" to have that "per clip" intensity, instead of the "general" control. Its basic if you think : you have the possibility to add clips,
then you must have the possibility to define the level of each clip, individually. That simple trick, could give much more flexibility than a general control, offcourse.

In short : IMO , if next versions add that simple "individual per clip" expression strenght, productivity could be increased for many people that could like to "block" the facial expressions timing by adding those initial clips, and then just add details over that, if needed :)
( like me .. hehe )

What do you think ?

Thanks a lot !

Posted 4 Years Ago
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This is a 10 year old post but still valid.  Why can't we change expression strength per clip?
You can do it for viseme clips, so can someone explain what the difference is that we can't
do the same for expressions clips?

thanks !

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