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Import Accepted But Only As An Accessory

Posted By Lord Ashes 8 Months Ago
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Lord Ashes
Lord Ashes
Posted 8 Months Ago
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Last Active: 2 Months Ago
Posts: 1.3K, Visits: 1.6K
I have created a metallic bra for a CC3 Plus female character.
In CC3 when I import it as an accessory it imports correctly and has the correct material appearance once the material files are reassigned.
As can be seen in the screen shot, the bra is metallic with a black trim.

However, since I want the bra to resize to different sized CC3 assets, I need to implement it as conforming cloth with the weight mapping done correctly so that it gets a rigid appearance but still conforms to the CC3 breast size. As a result, I tried to import the exact same FBX (as used to make the above accessory) as Cloth. The bra is correctly detected by the import and is loaded but the import seems to have corrupted the UV mapping because even after the material files are re-assigned the material does not look like the accessory version.

As can be seen, the bra is metallic as expected but the trim is not black like it should be. It looks like the UV mapping for the trim has been changed.

On top of that, the Conform function cannot be used because it causes CC3 to crash with the following error:

This is preventing me from fully implementing my metallic bra.

Any idea why:

1. The UV mapping seem to import properly when importing as an accessory but not when being imported as cloth?
2. The application is crashing when the Conform | Calculate function is used?

"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast
Lord Ashes
Lord Ashes
Posted 8 Months Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 2 Months Ago
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Found the material issue. Not sure why the Accessory import can handle it and the Cloth cannot but my bra had to UV mappings from when the bra and trim where merged. I remedied this in Blender to ensure that the bra had only a single combined UV and that resolved the issue with the trim UVs.

It did not, however, resolve the crash on Conform | Calculate. I have tried triangulating the mesh but that did not seem to help. 

"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast

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