Thanks for replying @all.
For me this upgrade of Headshot doesn't came at a better time as of now.
Since just recently I'm working on a project where I need a 1-1 conversion of a toon model which is just an obj-file. She must be able to act, talk etc.
Without reading the manual (off course) and after watching the only 2 video's of Reallusion I just started and stumbled on this only issue. Getting the body and facial rig to work at the same time.
From a previous post of Eljofa, Peter(RL) replied only CC3+ are compatible for a body. (Still without reading the manual) And because I already own the Cartoon Character Designer Pack I chose that route. I converted the CC3 body mesh to CC3+.
My Blender knowledge is not that shabby, but I want to do this primarely in CC4.
So far I'm quite happy with the results.With the body morph sliders I'm able to match the body to the original imported body mesh. Matching textures and of course some minor tweaking/sculpting will be done in Blender.
The results of just pointing out 35 points on a static head is quite extraordinary in my book. This is only with some moving and smoothing in HS2,