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Can't Login On Hub

Posted By hello_309106 Last Year
You don't have permission to rate!
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I'm a newbie attempting to try the iClone 8 and Character Creator free trials. I'm able to run the hub, but cannot log into my account. For some reason nothing happens when I click on the member information icon in the top right hand corner of the window. Every other icon and button works in the hub, but as I understand it, I can't download the trial until I log in to my account. I appreciate any assistance you can offer.
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted Last Year
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Please first close down the Hub by right clicking the icon in the "Hidden Icons" section of the Task Bar. Then try to login on the page below. If this is successful launch the Hub and try again.


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Posted 3 Weeks Ago
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i tried this step and cannot log on. it says i need to reset my pac. i followed the directions and everything is good and i can't use it. 
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
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nonorthstudio (9/5/2024)
i tried this step and cannot log on. it says i need to reset my pac. i followed the directions and everything is good and i can't use it. 

I'm not sure what you mean by "i followed the directions and everything is good and i can't use it."

Can you now login to the Hub or are you still having login issues? If you can't login, then you may need to reset the Password as shown below. If you can login to the Hub then please explain what the problem is with using the Hub. Thanks.


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