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iClone. Unrecognised by International Graphic Artists Arena!!!

Posted By "Siouxie Sioux" - Super... 14 Years Ago
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iClone. Unrecognised by International Graphic Artists Arena!!!

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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Sad Hmmmph.
 Can I ask, Swo00op, what you think of indigo?
I ask you because your knowledgability regarding the field is sharp. That, and the fact that indigo p*ss*s me off because it can't cope with my set size and prop count.
I saw everybodys' renders and I can see the difference. But the simplicity of them and the isolative depiction of set content I found degrading to iClone's otherwise abilities and embarrassingly dull.
Like some kind of misplaced excitement from 1994 when people could render octagons with coloured sides.

Posted 9 Years Ago
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sw00000p (5/11/2015)
...//... DANG IT!   Reallusion got me all excited with.... PBR support. The moment this happens... "I'll be the first in line to purchase it!
This is were INDIGO shines.... The Full Featured Version Supports PBR. $$$$w00tw00tw00t

So then... in summary...
1. WHEN Reallusion create a version of iClone that's supports PBR
2. and WHEN we purchase the FULL Indigo Solution
3.  It will cope with large set size, and render Hi-Quality results with more confidence and reliability WITHOUT creating 634 duplicate tex files for every one of the 17 thousand frames the animation render comprises.


Posted 9 Years Ago
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and this is why I think we need a developer blog -  to keep in tune with RL and whats going on.   It's better to understand things that change as they go along,  than have them suddenly disappear which eventually degrades the value of announcements.  

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Sorry, shouldn't bite.

9 Years Ago by animagic

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