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iClone. Unrecognised by International Graphic Artists Arena!!!

Posted By "Siouxie Sioux" - Super... 14 Years Ago
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iClone. Unrecognised by International Graphic Artists Arena!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago
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you're absolutely right zuijlen - and that's why they call it non linear video editing

Posted 14 Years Ago
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I had no idea there was a 5 minute limit.

I LIVE to anymate, irritate and machinamate. Not necessarily in that order.

Posted 14 Years Ago
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lol mike - just goes to show - it is more than sufficient

Posted 14 Years Ago
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lol yeah. And anyway that's not a real issue.

So no big deal.... well no big deal yet anyway... until you wanna make a 10 minute walkthrough.

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Posted 14 Years Ago
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I'm not an artist and I've dappled in video production in the past and these are just my thoughts on the topic.

Does it really matter if iClone is recognized or not by the International Graphic Artists Arena?  As long as the results are what the user wants is what's important.    

As far as the timeline , I personally like the timeline, it's a paradigm that I'm use to.  My only complaint about iClone's timeline is that one must select from a dropdown menu to place an object on the timeline and I've worked with a timeline where every item on the stage is on the timeline and one selects the object on the timeline to work with.

There is no time limit for the final movie however, as I understand it,  a finished movie is composed of a series of short segments edited then spliced together to make longer scenes and that most of the short segments are no longer 2-3 mins. This is done to keep the audience attention.  The only director that I know that used the technique of using one camera to shot a movie as one lone scene is Alfred Hitchcock in "Rope". (Some one correct me if I'm wrong).

sjonesdc Hehe


Posted 14 Years Ago
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Yeah that's what I said.

As stated befoer though, it looks like Renderocity just didn't update their list, that's all.

The "pros" use the software they use, not because it's "pro" but because it has the tools they need.

For example, I'm thinking of buying Lightwave.All the "pros" use it... sure I COULD use Blender and get very similar results or something... but I don't want to use Blener. I got into LW's interface a lot easier, they had a SLEW of videos RIGHT on the site that were easy to find and understand. The modeling tools are very clever and easy (and dare I say, FUN) to work with.

So I like using Lightwave (so far), and want to buy it, not because it's PRO, but because it's doing what I want... oh and it exports things correctly too which is a big one for me. I don't really care if it was noticed or not, but because it does everything so nicely, it is mentioned and noticed.

Blender is mentioned and recignized as well though too.

:A music reel demonstrating the different types of music I produce for multimedia. Hope everyone enjoys.

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Lightwave is a killer app. Haven't used it in years as I've worked more for max based shops but Lightwave has set a lot of standards early on and probably still does.

A couple of my top picks would have to be Lightwave and Maxon C4D. I just have so much time invested in studio max now that I don't even hardly open C4D anymore and that is a shame in itself.

I guess I didn't know about the 5 minute limit in iclone because I am old school and tend to cut my scenes up into many different shots. Some as little as 5 to 15 seconds to get what I have in my head down on the screen as I want it. Probably not very efficient way to work but I also tend to look at things from a correction or revision view point... making it easy from the start to revise a scene to what the director or immediate boss requires. That has carried over into my personal work.

I'm jealous over Lightwave! Good luck with it.

I LIVE to anymate, irritate and machinamate. Not necessarily in that order.

Posted 14 Years Ago
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warlord (6/21/2010)
I had no idea there was a 5 minute limit.

Same here, I think the longest I've ever output from iClone was around 20 to 30 seconds, what's that about 2000 frames?


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I've been following this thread since day 1 but have hesitated to make any comment until today.

I discovered Iclone about 2 years ago when I bought my first copy of CrazyTalk.  I studied Iclone until it got to the 3.2 version and then, about a year ago, I created an original post up here in an effort to find a team of Iclone animators that would be interested in making a slate of 10 animated films for theatrical release.  I assembled that team and like all involved very much.  A couple of the team members have contributed to this very thread.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Charles Chen, the CEO of RL and had a greater pleasure and honor to attend a 5.5 hour meeting with him in Silicon Valley in the early fall of last year.  Two of the members of this forum were also present.  During the long meeting, I had the pleasure of having Iclone 4, in beta at the time, personally shown to the meeting room by Charles Chen himself.  It was a wonderful presentation and very encouraging.

When it came time for me to present my film slate idea to Mr. Chen and the fact that the films in our slate were intended for theatrical release, I was informed that Iclone output would not conform to theatrical release standards.  This was a little shocking however our discussion continued and Machinima was discussed as well as the making of a "parser" that may make the Iclone output acceptable for theatrical release.

While Machinima films were not interesting to me, for they are still in an early stage of development of the new format, and still are....the parser was indeed interesting.  Personally, I was still convinced that Iclone had the ability to turn out theatrical release quality....using a parser to render.  The parser became a major topic between all of us for several months.

Having issued a Private Placement Memorandum for investors/investor groups to provide funding for the films, we soon learned that a combination of things caused the original Memorandum not be to accepted by investors.  First, the tough economic situation, worldwide, was an issue and, secondly, the investors/investor groups did not believe that Iclone could turn out a theatrical release product.  We continued to believe in Iclone.

In Jan. 2010, we pulled the Memorandum from the public due to lack of interest.  A few days later, we re-released it due to the fact that three investors had suddenly expressed an interest in our slate.  After months of talking to the parties,  we again had no takers, due again to the economy and the disbelief in Iclone. Last week, in our annual company meeting, my fellow members in our LLC specifically stated that after a year of trying, they saw no reason to continue believing that Iclone would lead us to success.  Reluctantly, I agreed and we signed a deal memo with a high end animation company that would give our films a theatrical release quality comparable to Disney or Pixar.

It was like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for, immediately, investors came forth with a serious interest in our slate.  In my 57 years in this industry, I've never seen smiles and excitement like I saw exhibited once we went to the high end animation software.  I even saw a high powered NY lawyer smile.  That's unheard of.

Charles Chen is a great guy, an honest man, and a true leader of his company.  I know, in my heart, that sooner or later he will get IClone to where it is a major contender and a high end animation product.  I'll be back when he does.  I believe in IClone.


Posted 14 Years Ago
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Iclone making it to the big time would be awsome I carnt wait .... But thats a bit off yet and for people to take it seriously it need people to type in Iclone into You Tube and see some BLOODY GOOD animations made with it .....

One aspect would be character animation its fine to have a character to walk from point a to point be but when all characters walk the same way you can see no animation talant as been used to create that... until I can give a character personality and character then Iclone remains a story telling tool rather than a Animation tool. If thats what Iclone is then it really doesnt matter if its known in the 3d world or not.

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