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iClone. Unrecognised by International Graphic Artists Arena!!!

Posted By "Siouxie Sioux" - Super... 14 Years Ago
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iClone. Unrecognised by International Graphic Artists Arena!!!

"Siouxie Sioux" - Super...
"Siouxie Sioux" - Super...
Posted 14 Years Ago
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It was brought to my attention by an underling that iClone STILL isn't recognised in the drop down for "SOFTWARE USED" in the Renderosity Membership page.
Perhaps someone persuasive could nudge the buttons there!!!

Siouxie Sioux.

iClone Marvel Comic Styled lovable Superhero No.1.
(Since 2005 v 1.5 iClone)

Posted 14 Years Ago
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I am not sure the outside 3D community really recognises Iclone as a serious 3D application, neither do 3D magazines apart from carrying copies of it on their cover disks and a short article about it. This may be because it still needs to address a few issues such as better character animation tools, instead of relying on pr made animations. Or maybe its the idea that its a Machinema tool and low poly... I do not know but magazines will cover in-depth Poser and Daz studio tutorials...

I Make My Mates Do The CanCan For The Amusement Of Killer RobotsBigGrin
14 Years Ago by bluemidget666
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Your signature tag-line reads: "To Destroy, once and for all time, The Reallusion Empire."

Yet you want to see iClone promoted? That seems very weirdly contradictory.

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Illustrator Cathy
Illustrator Cathy
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Hi peter- You'd have to be familiar with the back-story behind the comic book.

And Niel - I love you to pieces - but this really isn't the best time to be using more than one identity on these forums.

Cathy Hehe

Just click on the graphic to go there.

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peteradam6 (6/11/2010)
Your signature tag-line reads: "To Destroy, once and for all time, The Reallusion Empire."

Yet you want to see iClone promoted? That seems very weirdly contradictory.

oooo burned... lol but yeah the comic does explain it...

Hm lowpoly... even though I have a project with some VERY HIGH poly models (I'm talking over 60,000 polies in them) Does it work, yes, in pixel shader mode, yes, is it choppy YEEESSS, does iClone crash, NO... well, very VERY rarely, does it work with good results,, YEEEEEES!!

Well, so much for the lowpoly thing.

Yeah iClone's getting there, but I think it's just got a LITTLE bit more to go.. .

Oh,, wanna know something funny? Daz Studio is in some list and you can do LESS with that then you can do with iClone... why is it there... because they.. (Sorry I don't mean to be rude or anything but) they have a bit better quality content out of the "box"... just a BIT. Ok I konw I'm about to get flamed for saying that but it's not a realtime renderer so I guess they can afford to have crazy high poly models and RL's coming very close now.

I think if 3DX were integrated into iClone AND had a lot of the current features that DirectX and other realtime engines support (SSAO, unlimited lights, DX10 support) and other things so that renders could look like REALLY high end realtime graphics (without having to render 6+ times and compile), then I think it'd start making some REAL waves.

... just my thoughts.

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bluemidget666 (6/11/2010)
This may be because it still needs to address a few issues such as better character animation tools, instead of relying on pr made animations. Or maybe its the idea that its a Machinema tool and low poly... I do not know but magazines will cover in-depth Poser and Daz studio tutorials...

It's probably just snobbery. DAZ3D has had major issues over the years such as sudden incompatibility with other software and I wouldn't really call it suitable for animation. You can do keyframe-based animation in iClone so you are not limited to canned motions. Anyway, I don't consider Renderosity's endorsement or lack there of as a big deal...

Posted 14 Years Ago
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My guess is.... that it's part snobbery -- it's not a big expensive $1000s 3D program that looks like the control panel of a nuclear submarine -- and part ignorance -- if they bother to look at all, they just glance at some dance videos made by a ten-year-old using the free version, and assume "that's iClone".

| iClone 5 Pro | 3DXchange 4 Pro | popVideo Converter 2 | CrazyTalk 6 Pro | CrazyTalk Animator Pro |
Posted 14 Years Ago
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ignorance and snobbery

This could be why, the outside world does not know how much Iclone has developed from Iclone 2. The lowpoly argument I know is flawed as I use high poly characters, but does anyone reading about Iclone in the magazines. Its also true you can make your own animations but until you can use more than one motion layer to make them it is stupidly complicated to do good complicated motions. I am sure however that it will not be too long before Iclone turnes heads away from poser and daz atleast...

I Make My Mates Do The CanCan For The Amusement Of Killer RobotsBigGrin
14 Years Ago by bluemidget666
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Hi Peter, Siouxie Sioux is from the Second Generation of Humans and there, 'bout 7000 million years back, they killed her sweetheart and she's effectively a Technology Police Detective Official blah etc etc blah.
Actually just a cold hearted intolerant culler agent with a "Dont cross me" attitude. I got fed up with cute and needed an opposite.
Gorgeous but Deadly. Her not me. Tongue Well, ok then.... me a bit too! BigGrin
I dont know if, when I'm on that again, I'll actually let her Kill Reallusion because she wouldnt have a purpose then. Tongue But we'll see. Normally she replies to posts in Comic Speech Balloon style for no other purpose than to promote iClones visual power and strengths in that domain and I like to think she is an effective vehicle nobody else tried to drive. (Smug Self Praising Smily Here.)

But on the issue of Renderosity... I think regarding "The Simpsons" and other such visually dulling animations I don't care if they are multimillion success (Where was the competition and why weren't we all asked about it as the receiving public??? WinkWink ) I find such quality sadly appalling and in truth for me anyway mind bogglingly boring to observe. But tastes vary and I stand aside and look the other way.

We just found it odd that Renderosity still hasn't gotten around to putting iClone in the mix. I sat and tried to think of a reason. I couldn't.
And if yo consider the degree of techical Wizardry it must take to be able to import all the OTHER models into iClone which makes it a linked entity of the animation world in a professional vein... I am still left with out argument against it's inclusion.

"The Arts" and Art itself is what it is and the actual means to create it should never be an issue or element for disqualification of inclusion.
Else where would we be if Constable was exhibited because his brushes and paints came from the Cream of manufacturers and Renior was not simply because his brushes were cheap tacky brands!!! Crying
Shouldn't we just observe the output. Who cares if elements of iClone don't appeal to all.
I think it's time for an alternate attitude of global acceptance to this field in a world where you blink and everythings changed.


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Wow Armstrong!

In Guatemala we say:

"Tienes la boca llena de razón!

Which means:

"You got your mouth full of REASON!"

Nobody could put it better! Also the "outside community does not recognize bla.bla.bla" argument is not quite true...

I personally teach iClone at a mayor technical university here and I have traveled several times to Europe to present a few workshops and intensive courses in iClone usage, to large Italian and Spanish companies, working on Elearning products.

I one word: iCLone is GREAT and will be BETTER!


Mike Aparicio-Reallusion Certified Innovative Content Developer

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