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Batch Pose Converter?!?

Posted By MatCreator 2 Years Ago
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hello friends and fiends =)
i was wondering with all the ease of incorporating other software to work with reallusion products, if there is some kind of add-on or plug-in that could do batch conversions of daz studio and poser pose files for use in iclone and character creator?!? ive seen the video where kai takes the daz studio figure and imports kung fu poses into character creator, but poses are one thing that i "heavily invested" in over the past 20 years or so, so the process detailed in that tutorial would be slow to say the least =/ posing figures is the one thing i have trouble with, so anything that helps in that regard is of high value to me...
or if there are any ideas of getting my massive collection of daz studio and poser pose files to work in character creator, that would be golden.
Jeffster The Mighty
Jeffster The Mighty
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Here is my crappy tutorial on batch converting poses using 3dxchange.

BTW, if you have a library of BVH, 

2 Years Ago by jjdigitalgraphics
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 7 hours ago
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Have you ever tried to combine an upper pose from one motion, and a lower pose from another motion?
You can do it easy with Motion Puppet. I have done it with God's help, using CC3 female upper standing 01 pose
with 8 different CC3 female standing lower poses. The second pose is CC3 female standing upper pose 01 with
Heidi's lower pose from one of her motions.
2 Years Ago by michaelrbarton

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