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Unity Auto Setup Plans for 2021

Posted By Peter (RL) 3 Years Ago
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That has been addressed by one of our users. Works very well. Wink
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Add blender into the pipeline as well?  I want less tools to chain assets through, not more.  That was part of the allure for investing/using reallusion products in the first place.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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well part of an issue I'm looking at is none of the set ups are without their issues - the time you spend fixing one thing,  an update came out for another software breaking another set up ....where as blender has the community and man power to stay up on everything -  the time spent on making a unity plug in is the time not spent adressing issues on unreal plug in ...and that kind of puts rl in an unfair - never catch up disadvantage ...  but if blender was the main hub ...the blender community has them covered with latest trends. 

and @rampa -  ya ...I saw that, looks good,  would like to see that grow more and next leveled.. .....I'm looking for a 1 button in iclone -  no drama "Send project to blender" button,  and there it is,  just like that.

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3 Years Ago by planetstardragon
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Don't get me wrong, I like Blender and use it regularly but I would hate for it to become middleware into Unity. The rendering pipeline is very different to Unity's and I personally haven't found the perfect exporting workflow. It can be done but it's one extra hoop I'd really not have to jump through.

Unity Virtual Reality Developer
Posted 3 Years Ago
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What is the logic behind introducing Blender into the CC to Unity flow, does Blender have a well-established pipeline to Unity?
That would be fascinating if you could export to Blender and then have Blender transmit to HDRP correctly because of some conversion feature available in Blender. Then again it makes absolutely no sense at all to introduce it unless it does have the established pipeline. Otherwise, you’d just be randomly throwing in Blender just for the same of using Blender. Like, does Blender have a special plugin for Unity or a special set of keys to the Penthouse Suite of Unity?
Or like if I go to Unity and I mention to the bouncer that “Blender sent me”, do I cut to the front of the line and get hooked up with all the good S#!+? 😎
Posted 3 Years Ago
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from a quick search,  blender does in fact have more than one solution for exporting to unity, unreal - and not only that ...they have solutions for cryengine exporting -
the RL team would be doing itself a favor by focusing on a tight connection to blender and not continue to brand itself as a developer of incomplete plug ins that have lots of bugs due to the constant updates of all these engines

again,  being that blender is open source and has so much developer and community support,  it is much easier to achieve 1 quality plug with blender that opens them up to everything and an army that supports it.  you really can't say you would get that level support by developing for 1 game engine that will only break your work with their next update.

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Posted 3 Years Ago
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Referencing an add-on not updated in 3 years (except to make it usable in Blender 2.8) isn't the sort of update frequency that seems to lend itself well to engines that - as you say - are having constant updates.
Even if due to exposure and usage, the demand for Unreal or Unity addins should suggest higher frequencies, it still adds another dependency and risk into the toolchain.
It will be no good to have great exports to Blender if they stop being great beyond that point or stops working altogether.
So, thanks but no thanks to that idea.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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PlanetStar, I think the idea is awesome, but from your own testing does it (Blender) currently transfer over the DH shaders, as they appeared in CC3/iClone, into Unity, with a then likewise menu system to, now in Unity, access all of the DH shader parameters? I think this has to be the case for it to be worthy of an ongoing development.
3 Years Ago by TonyDPrime
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@tony  -  that's actually what I think would make blender the superior choice -   once in blender you will have more flexibility to fine tune any plug in to any engine,  more freedom to make improvements with more developer resources, than waiting for 1 plug in to one engine on iclone.

Ultimately it's RL's decision,  I've just seen this movie before and ends up eating time only to be broken again and shelved in less than a year.  -  I would like to see better utilization of their time and progress that breaks this rut

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Melvin (RL)
Melvin (RL)
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Hi Rowlan & jerome
I figure out why there is a shoulder mesh problem.
If you are using URP to build your project, the skin weight limited setting will be 2 bone in default.
However CC3+ Character needs less 4 bone. So just go to Unity project setting and change the skin weight to 4 bone or unlimited ,then it will be the right result.

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