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Unity Auto Setup Plans for 2021

Posted By Peter (RL) 3 Years Ago
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I have been following a bunch of developers who use HDRP with CC3. CC3 is usually used for realistic human creation and Built-in RP is nowhere near to Unreal's graphics quality. HDRP is much better on performance and fidelity for high-end graphics. Here is what we have done for example:

This is with default hdrp shaders btw, no custom shaders yet. Not even wrinkle maps etc. It runs 60 fps+ on gtx1060 laptop.

3 Years Ago by merph
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Just read this post as it was sort of lost in between the other threads. 
You would think this kind of information would be pinned so there was no way to miss it.

I personally invested heavily into the iclone tools and solutions (money as well as time) on the simple premise
that Reallusion claimed CC to be the ultimate characters solution for unity developers.  A high claim to be sure,
and  lot of this is marketing of course, but I did trust Reallusion to update the existing tools and keep them
functional at the very least.

I do appreciate the information being presented in an open way, but at the same time I do have reservations on
what's in store for CC3 unity users.  At first glance I'm pretty frustrated with the strategy being proposed going

First of all it's not just a question of updating the Unity import/export feature, it's also important to have any new
features added to CC3 truly tested and integrated into the game engine pipeline.  Take for instance the new 
acculips feature that was added recently but doesn't support the full export of that data into unity.  The same goes
for a lot of other issues I have raised in the past about unity export(like exporting merged materials and support
for the mouth open shape when using LOD's) and that have stayed unresolved, now more than a year later.  And
don't get me started on the "appearance editor" for CC3 characters, that was released more than a year after it 
was offically announced as part of the tool-set, or blendshapes or the lack of support of newer versions of Unity.

When you compare that to the CC3/Unreal pipeline there is a world of difference,but I guess that's where the Epic
Megagrant comes in.  Unreal have made a huge effort in making a bridge between external content creation apps
and it's game engine, and I for one am seriously looking at using it as well as metahuman for future projects. 

So what's the solution here?  I think if you take Unreal as an example, they are showing a real long-term commitment
to providing game artists with powerful tools and pipelines to make their job easier and more reliable.  I am not seeing
the same kind of commitment from Reallusion and outsourcing the Unity exporter is just another sign of that.

I do hope Reallusion reconsider and set up a team of game focused tool developers at the core of the company and 
not just as a marketing ploy or a way to broaden their potential user base with sexy looking features and tutorials.

Just my two cents
3 Years Ago by e1_scheer
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merph (5/19/2021)
I have been following a bunch of developers who use HDRP with CC3. CC3 is usually used for realistic human creation and Built-in RP is nowhere near to Unreal's graphics quality. HDRP is much better on performance and fidelity for high-end graphics. Here is what we have done for example:

This is with default hdrp shaders btw, no custom shaders yet. Not even wrinkle maps etc. It runs 60 fps+ on gtx1060 laptop.

FPS are meaningless for judging performances especially with a scene involving a single (naked) character and absolutely no environment. or systems.

Stats such as Drawcalls, CPU/GPU times are what will tell you how many of those characters can be in a scene and what happens once you include all the systems (lighting, reflections, post-processing, AI, Character movements, etc.)

I highly doubt you will maintain 60fps on a laptop GTX 1060 with all the things I mentioned. You don't have to test we are many Unity dev who tested this and yes you can maintain 60fps on high end hardware with a lot of optimization but the HDRP is just not fully production ready at this stage. You can see that just by looking at how much change from one version to another of the pipeline...

Yes built-in is not going to have graphics on-par with HDRP, that's quite obvious. But we are not all looking for the most realistic graphics.

Also many of us are not artists/modelers and that's one reason we use Character Creator. That's also the reason why some of us would buy some assets on the Unity store such as particle effects. Which are then not usable in HDRP of course because it needs particles/shaders that are meant for this RP.

Here, what is asked by the others who replied including myself: Proper shaders for Hairs/Eyes on built-in render pipeline to at least look good enough.

If Reallusion were to drop support for Built-In RP it would be a huge mistake.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Honestly... There are also many other devs that use HDRP with cc3 for high-end graphics.
So dropping support for HDRP is no go either. But the problem is, built-in doesn't have many things that HDRP gets in by default. Such as SSS,
better PBR model for hair and skin shading etc. Those things are really really costly to develop for built-in RP. So without spending a huge budget, I see no way built-in receiving
good-looking character shaders.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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merph (5/21/2021)
Honestly... There are also many other devs that use HDRP with cc3 for high-end graphics.
So dropping support for HDRP is no go either. But the problem is, built-in doesn't have many things that HDRP gets in by default. Such as SSS,
better PBR model for hair and skin shading etc. Those things are really really costly to develop for built-in RP. So without spending a huge budget, I see no way built-in receiving
good-looking character shaders.

I of course would never say that they should drop support for HDRP, that's quite clear
Built-in look extremely good in Unity and if you uses specific shaders for the skin such as Uber shaders (and using Translucency etc) you get perfect results.
The only missing shaders at the moment are Beard/Brows/Hair and Eyes (to include eye occlusion). I doubt that would result in a "huge budget"
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Can someone maybe post a screenshot with the settings or tutorial how to exactly set up the characters to look good in Unity 2021 ? No matter what I select in the standard hdrp shaders it doesn't look correct. Either the whole character is transparent, or blue or materials look ugly. There's really the need of at least some tutorial what's the best way to set characters up. Even if manual that's better than nothing. At the moment there's simply no tutorials at all for newer versions or I can't find them. Also with newest CC3 version for me it doesn't seem to export as good as it did a few versions before. If I import a old export to Unity I have at least set up materials, even if wrong. With the newer version materials doesn't have textures applied at all. Everything needs to be done manually. Also it seems that the export for Unity is missing LOD0.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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What exactly is the issue, that it looks bad in Unity once it gets there, or that it can't get there in the first place.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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just a left field suggestion -

Blender seems to have fine tuned all it's connections to game engines with all the custom plug ins created by it's users.

why not create a fantastic workflow with blender, which would probably be much easier to achieve due to it's open source'ness, and let blender handle the details of sending the projects to all the other engines it already has plug ins for while also bringing focus back to the real time animation software aspect that comes with blenders eevee render engine ? 

why not make blender the grand central station of inter-connectivity with iclone ?  why do work that's already been done ?

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

3 Years Ago by planetstardragon
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I like that suggestion. In one of the recent webinars (Light-side or Dark-side, I can't remember) It was mentioned that a significant amount of time was being spent on the CC3/Blender workflow. So, hopefully we see something Blender related on the upcoming roadmap.

Still, having a working auto-setup will be important, especially for all the indie devs RL is marketing to that might not have experience with or time to learn Blender.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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agreed,  there will always be a caveat with each niche community,  but again on that logic,  when you focus on a project for Unity,  you are focusing on one community,  when you focus on compatibility with blender,  you focus on compatibility with many communities and many kinds of softwares including hollywood. 

I don't use blender often myself,  but when I need it for a specific thing - like converting a file or doing 1 specific task's fairly easy to learn that one specific task that has a plug in to help make it easier,  there is no shortage of tutorials of how to do most anything in blender either.   Time being the most valuable resource of all,  with the large community blender has,  there is a ton of time already spent on all things unity...

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

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