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Auto Lip Sync be Facial Mocap

Posted By shadybearbklyn 4 Years Ago
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Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Weeks Ago
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I’m working on a project that has a lot of fast singing. I’m noticing that using auto lip sync with a well recorded solo vocal track is giving me more realistic mouth movements than facial local via Live Face and an IPhone. By tweaking the viseme track manually I seem to have more control over the finished product. I’ve had no luck connecting my IPhone via USB, so I’m not sure if the lag is due to the WIFI connection. Any thoughts on this?
4 Years Ago by shadybearbklyn
Eric C (RL)
Eric C (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hello @shadybearbklyn,
If you are having trouble to connect Live Face, here's the guide for you!
We also encourage our user to connect Ethernet, as it gives better result without delay!

Good Luck!
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Eric C (RL) (4/24/2020)
Hello @shadybearbklyn,
If you are having trouble to connect Live Face, here's the guide for you!
We also encourage our user to connect Ethernet, as it gives better result without delay!

So, we would get better results with ethernet compared to USB?
As in the guide they talk about USB, not ethernet...
And would this be the right product?:

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