The point of the video is to ask if anyone wants the compiled version to be in the Windows Store.
I tried showing it to C# people, and most C# developers never make image content at all, so I get down voted in Reddit / C# like I am selling flip phones or aluminum siding. Giving away free stuff is harder than it should be.
With the IClone tutorial part, I wasn't expecting to impress anyone here with my (limited) skills. I am still at the wax on, was off phase of my training (if Karate Kid 1 was not before your time).
Git Hub removes .exe's when I publish, although I could publish a zip file. Windows Store is just easier (for users) due to Microsoft certifies they tested it, it has no viruses and stuff like that.
Since no one was impressed with Transparency Maker in C# land, I thought I would ask content creators here if from the few minutes you saw of the tool it might be worth free. If not, making the changes to be store certified is not hard, just I am not going to rush to get another 1 star in the Windows Store (thanks to someone named Fart Face that gave me a 1 star review and wrote 'This App No Work' when I gave it to him for free during the first two weeks trying to drum up some "good" reviews. This is for an app that helps people who do not see very well (like me) use Windows better (NFlate Windows Store - end plug).
Sorry if you were expecting an IClone tutorial of more depth. I mainly come here to ask questions, and everyone here answers so well I thought I would offer something back I have to offer until I learn IClone better.
Creator of the free website:
A Free Online Text Based Image Editor